Van der Graaf Generator
Here you can see in chronological order those titles from the larger list that cover the band Van der Graaf Generator.
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I. Books and articles already published
I. Books and articles already published:
- Hammill, Peter: Killers, Angels, Refugees. London 1974. ISBN: 0-85947-002-4.
(Peter Hammill's first book contains lyrics for all the songs
from 1966 up to "Silent Corner" (1974), poems, drawings and other interesting stuff.
More info here.)
- Hammill, Peter: Mirrors, Dreams and Miracles. Westbury, England 1982. No ISBN.
(Contains lyrics and short stories 1974 - 1980. More info here.)
- Peiro, Paco B./Alberto Manzano/Miguel Angel Fernández: Peter Hammill: Canciones. Traducción de Alberto Manzano y Miguel Angel Fernández, selección y prólogo de Paco B. Peiro. Madrid 1989. No ISBN.
- Shaw-Parker, David: The Lemming Chronicles. London, Pandoras Box, 1995. ISBN: 0952472503.
(On Peter Hammill. More information here.)

Aymone, Carmine: Osanna. Naples in the world. Edizioni Afrakà 2001. No ISBN.
(The story of Osanna with details on other Naples connected bands. Preface by Peter Hammill.
More information here.)
Vargas, Alexandre: Peter Hammil - Camaleão na Sombra da Noite. Assírio e Alvim Ed., Lisboa.
(More information here.)
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