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The Progressive Rock Bibliography Site
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This site features bibliographical data on Progressive Rock. I do not want to
get into the discussion of what Prog is, or what distinguishes it from other
styles of popular (and classical?) musics. Just a few remarks on what is and
will be included here should be enough.
Featured on this site are books that cover Progressive/Art Rock in general,
or artists and bands who record(ed) music regarded as Progressive/Art Rock.
I also decided to add articles by musicologists, but fanzine features and articles remain excluded.
Books I don't have full bibliographical data of are marked with a .
Concerning those books, the information provided here has been checked, but it is incomplete: an ISBN, a year etc. might be missing.
So your help is always welcome! Just send an email to bibmaster{at}progbibliography.de
Regarded as Progressive/Art Rock by whom?
Well, by me. This is a natural consequence of the beforementioned fact
that it is pretty much unclear, what Prog is (just like any other cultural manifestation). There
is of course no dividing line between Prog and non-Prog - and that's fine!
But then, one may argue that Gentle Giant may be a little "more Prog"
than Genesis and maybe even more than Pink Floyd (please do not contact me about
that particular topic, I am sure you have a completely different opinion!). So
to give you an impression, or an example of what you can find here: The Gentle Giant book
is included here, also the books on Genesis
(there have been quite a few...), but you will not find any stuff on Pink Floyd.
Although it is without doubt, that this band was very progressive, it was not really Progressive,
you know what I mean? Nevertheless, I'm sure you will find some great Pink Floyd bibliographies on the 'net!
I list a few titles covering styles connected to Prog, like Krautrock, Psychedelic
etc. These are mentioned, when the descriptions of these books I found
on the internet gave me the impression, that Yes is at least mentioned... So
do not expect a full bibliography of those styles!
I will not be able to give full descriptions of all the books and articles mentioned here,
for I do not know them all. But I will add some from time to time, to give you an
impression of what they contain. Don't worry, I try to avoid the amazon style:
"I liked this book, go an' get it".
You are not interested in my comments? Just delete them!
You can go directly to the following sections:
I. Books and articles already published
II. Books that have not been published yet
III. Books in the making
Where can you get these books?
Please note: I don't sell anything! But you may easily find some, or even many of the books mentioned here.
I suggest you try the big online bookstores first:
amazon.com (US)
amazon.co.uk (UK)
amazon.de (Germany)
amazon.fr (France)
or for the more rare titles, try national bookstores like
internetbook.it (Italy)
That's where I found most of the books in my own collection. You can also follow the links displayed within the entries,
or check the links page, some will lead you to authors' or publishers' websites,
where you might also be able to get a book.
The availability of many books may vary, so be patient and check those sites regularly. If you are looking for out-of-print
or used books, you can try the following websites:
amazon.com (US)
amazon.co.uk (UK)
amazon.de (Germany)
amazon.fr (France)
Moreover, quite a lot of the scientific texts (alongside other more easily accessible stuff)
have been published on the 'net, I have put links to those on the website. If you happen to find any broken
links, please tell me, I don't have the time to regularly check everything.
Just send an email to bibmaster{at}progbibliography.de
Another try would be ebay, you may be lucky there.
If you are familiar with library proceedings, you might want to try to get the book by interlending.
If you want to check the big libraries worldwide first, I suggest you try search machines like
the KVK,
a source for worldwide bibliographical data.
My sources:
Most helpful in the process of compiling this bibliography were YOU! Thanks to all the contributors! And keep writing in!
Also very helpful were the internet sources collected in section 3 of my
links page.
Help needed!
If you can contribute to this site in any way, like - you know an ISBN, a year,
you know the author's name, you'd like a certain book to be added, you are welcome.
Those books I don't have complete data of are marked with a "".
I have specified my whishes here and there, but in most cases they should be obvious.
I especially need information about books on national scenes. It's hard to look for a
Prog publication from Israel, if you don't speak Hebrew. Not to mention Japanese...
So if you can help in any way, write to bibmaster{at}progbibliography.de
The information will be checked and subsequently published here.
So what can I say - I hope you will find what you are looking for!
You can go directly to the following sections:
I. Books and articles already published
II. Books that have not been published yet
III. Books in the making
I. Books and articles already published:
Ibrahim, Anwar/Moore, Allan: 'Sounds Like Teen Spirit': Identifying Radiohead's Idiolect. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 139-158.
Gaudenzio Temporelli: See Tempo, Enzio
The following might be songbooks:
The young persons' guide to Progressive Rock books.
Literary references in Progressive Rock.
That's all for now. If there's something I forgot, send me an e-mail: