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You can go directly to the following sections:
I. Books and articles already published
II. Books that have not been published yet
III. Books in the making
I. Books and articles already published:
- Agi, Yuzuru (ed.): The Bible: Rock Magazine No.04. Osaka. 1981. No ISBN.
- Akaiwa, Kazumi/Ishii, Toshio: Who is Who of British Rock Scene. Tokyo. 1978. No ISBN. Second edition 2002. ISBN:4-7601-2275-3.
- Akashi, Masanori: Doitsu no Rokku Ongaku [Rockmusik aus Deutschland] matawa Can, Faust, Kraftwerk. Tokyo. 1st ed. 1997. ISBN: 4-89176-349-3. 2nd ed.: 4-89176-486-4.
- Albery, Nicholas (ed.): Cornucopia of Ideas. London 2001. ISBN 0-948826-58-4.
(Brian Eno contributes a preface paying tribute
to Nicholas Albery, the founder of the Institute of
Social Inventions who died in 2001.)
- Alfano, Innocenzo: Fra tradizione colta e popular music: il caso del rock progressivo: introduzione al genere che sfido la forma canzone (=Saggistica Aracne 36). Roma 2004. ISBN: - 88-799-9926-5.
- Alfano, Innocenzo: Verso un'altra realtŕ. Lanuvio 2006. ISBN: 8854805742.
- Allen, Daevid: If Words were Birds. London, 1964. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 1. 1966 - 69: Soft Machine. Glastonbury 1994. ISBN: 1-899475-00-1.
A new edition is expected by november 2005:
Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 1: From Soft Machine to the Birth of Gong. Wembley 2005. ISBN: 0946719829. (192 pages).
- Allen, Daevid: Book of Cloroforms. Poerty of the sleeping life. 1966. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: What Happened To Walter. A Bananabook for Helen & Walter, The Travelling Allens. 1969. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: Camembert Electrique Lyric Book. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: Free Mother Romania. Invisible Opera Company 1990. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: Shapeshifter. The book. 1992. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Allen, Daevid: Poet For Sale. Illustrated collection of Performance Poetry and Poems. 2003. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Aloi, Peg: Love From The Fields. The Imagery Of Pagan Britain in The Songs Of Ian Anderson. From: Obsidian Magazine, vol.1, issue 2 (1998).
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Aloisio, Giovanni: Goblin. La musica, la paura, il fenomeno. Roma 2005. ISBN - 88-894-8102-1
- Anderson, Roger L.: Ian Anderson's acoustic guitar in the early recordings of Jethro Tull. From: Popular Music Studies, vol. 1 no. 1 (Spring, 1988).
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Angiolini, Saverio/Enzo Gentile: Note di Pop italiano (=Guida 8). Milano 1977. Second edition 1978. No ISBN.
- Ansali, Paolo/Paolo Besagno/Paolo Carnelli/Daniele Cutali/Matteo D'Agord/Massimo Forni/Emanuele Kraushaar/Paolo Noro/Riccardo Storti/Pasquale Scarpato/Pierpaolo Tondo/Donato Zoppo: Racconti a 33 giri - 50 album per scoprire il rock progressivo italiano. Genova 2003. No ISBN.
- Aprile, Al/Mayer, Luca: La musica rock-progressive europea. 1980. 1.ed., Milano, Gammalibri 1980. No ISBN.
- Asbjørnsen, Dag Erik: Cosmic Dreams at play: A guide to german progressive and electronic rock. Glasgow 1996. ISBN: 1-899855-01-7.
- Asbjørnsen, Dag Erik: Scented Gardens of the Mind. A guide to the golden era of progressive rock (1968 -1980) in more than 20 european countries. Wolverhampton 2000. ISBN: 1-899855-12-2.
- Atton, Chris: ‘Living in the Past'?: Value discourses in progressive rock fanzines. In: Popular Music 20/1, 2001, pp. 29 - 46.
- Aymone, Carmine: Osanna. Naples in the world. Napoli, Edizioni Afrakŕ 2001. No ISBN.
- Aymone, Carmine: Je sto cca'...: James Senese. Napoli 2005. ISBN - 88-718-8997-5.
(The story of the leader of Showmen and Napoli Centrale)
- Backhuys, Kees Jan et al.: Marillion Songbook - The Fish Lyrics 1982-1988, published by the author i.a.w. Dutch Marillion Fanclub 1989 (2nd. ed.: 2001?). No ISBN.
- Balitzki, Jürgen: Electra, Lift, Stern Combo Meißen. Geschichten vom Sachsendreier. Berlin 2001. ISBN: 3-89602-323-3.
Balzer, André: Textes Et Chansons - Biographie D'Atoll.
- Banks, Peter/Billy James: Beyond and before - The Formative Years of Yes. Bentonville 2002. ISBN: 0-9710493-1-9 (soft cover), ISBN: 0-9710493-0-0 (hard cover with or without CD).
- Barotto, Paolo: 100 foto storiche (di Pop italiano). 2002. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Barotto, Paolo: Il ritorno del Pop italiano. Dal 1970 al 2000. 4. edition, Luserna 2000. Published by the author, no ISBN.
The third and expanded edition has been translated into english and published as:
- Barotto, Paolo: The return of italian Pop. Milano 1996. No ISBN.
And there is another new edition:
Barotto, Paolo/D'Ubaldo, Marco: Rock Progressivo Italiano. The Complete Discography. With CD. New edition, Milano 2006. ISBN: 8889886013.
Barraco, S./L. D'Accursio: Mini enciclopedia della musica Progressive.
- Barroso Rivera, Antonio José: Enciclopedia de la música progresiva en espańa. Sevilla 2007. ISBN: 978-84-935317-1-3.
- Bayeulle, Alain/Laurence Berrouet: Genesis. Paris 1987. ISBN: 2-226-02789-0.
- van der Beek, Frans: Ekseption. Apeldoorn 1973. ISBN: 90-6086-597-9.
- Behrens, Roger: Progressivrock als zeitlose Unmode. In: Testcard. Beiträge zur Popgeschichte. Bd. 4: Retrophänomene in den 90ern. Mainz 1997. ISBN: 3-931555-03-8.
- Bennett, Graham "Soft Machine. Out-Blooody-Rageous", London 2005, SAF Publishing. ISBN: 0-946719-84-5.
- Benninghouse, John: Songs from the wood. Comments on the Caswell essay.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Benson, Joe: Uncle Joe's record guide: Progressive Rock. Glendale, CA: J. Benson Unlimited, 1989. ISBN: 0-943031-11-7.
A revised edition is planned for May 2002. ISBN: 094303115X.
- Benson, Raymond: Jethro Tull - The Pocket Essential Guide. London 2002. ISBN: 1904048188.
- Berlin, Jeff: A Comprehensive Chord Tone System for Mastering the Bass. Milwaukee, WI. 1987. ISBN: 0-943686-61-X.
- Bertoncelli, Riccardo: Brian Eno. Tutti i testi e gli scritti con trad. a fronte (= Musiqa 3). Milano 1982. ISBN: 88-85008-41-0.
- Bertoncelli, Riccardo (ed.): Enciclopedia rock anni '70. 3rd edition, Milano/Padova 1995. ISBN: 88-85859-14-3.
- Bertrando, Paolo: King Crimson, Robert Fripp. Tutti i testi e gli scritti con trad. a fronte. Milano 1984. ISBN: 88-85008-63-1.
- Bertrando, Paolo et al.: Peter Gabriel. Milano 1989. ISBN: - 88-85859-42-9.
- Blasquiz, Klaus: The Fender Bass. Milwaukee, WI 1990. ISBN: 0-7935-0757-X.
Blasquiz, Klaus/Cabrel, Francis/Ferstenberg, Muriel/Ruiz, Maxime et al.: Luthiers & Guitares d'en France. Chandelle Productions, Paris 1996. ISBN 2-911962-00-1.
(A book about building guitars. 237p. I am not a 100 per cent sure that the author Klaus Blasquiz is Magma's singer Klaus Blasquiz.)
Bonet, Magda: Genesis. Barcelona 1991.
- Bowler, Dave/Brian Dray: Genesis: A Biography. New York 1992. ISBN: 0-283-06132-4.
- (Published in Germany (as 'Genesis. Die Biographie') in 1993,
- +
- Poland 1995, and updated in the UK in 1994
(softcover) with about 60 more pages.)
- Bowman, Durrell S.: "Let Them All Make Their Own Music": Individualism, Rush, and the Progressive/Hard Rock Alloy, 1976 - 77. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 183 - 218. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Brackett, David: Essay Review. In: Popular Music 20/2, 2001, pp. 275 - 283.
- Branson, Richard: Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way. London 1998. ISBN: 0812931017.
New and expanded edition:
Branson, Richard: Losing My Virginity. London 2000. ISBN: 0753504561.
- Breitman, Uri: Progressive Rock. From the 60s to the Present. Tel Aviv 2005. ISBN: 965-521-006-5.
(In Hebrew (Original title: „Rock Mitkadem").)
- Bright, Spencer: Peter Gabriel: An authorized Biography. First edition, New York 1988. ISBN: 0-283-99498-3. 2nd edition, New York 1999. ISBN: 0283061871.
- Bruford, Bill: When in doubt, roll! Cedar Grove NY 1988. ISBN: 0-7935-3529-8.
- Bultrighini, Umberto/Gianni Oliva: Dopo i Beatles. Musica e societŕ negli anni settanta (=Universale Carabba 1). Lanciano, Carabba 2003. ISBN - 88-883-4056-4.
- Busch, Carsten: File under Symfo. 1998. Published by the author, no ISBN.
- Busson, Thierry/Xavier Chatagnon/Bruno Versmisse: Ange. Le Livre Des Légendes. L'anthologie définitive sur le groupe mythique du rock français. Besançon, Eclipse Ed., 1995. ISBN: 2-911494-00-8.
- Bussy, Pascal/Andy Hall: Das CAN-Buch. Augsburg 1998. ISBN: 3-926794-07-0.
- Calado, Carlos: A divina comédia dos Mutantes. Rio de Janeiro 1995. ISBN: 85-7326-009-2.
- Camerlo, Marcelo: The magic land. A guide to south american Beat, Psychedelic and Progressive Rock Vol. 1: Argentina - Uruguay 1966 - 1977. Madrid 1999 ISBN: 8489439168.
- Cantos, José: Mike Oldfield. 1st edition, Madrid 1996. 2nd Edition 1998. ISBN/EAN: A97884-376-1470-0 (ISBN: 84-376-1470-8).
Caporale, Piergiuseppe: Banco. Il manuale del gruppo rock. Roma 1982.
- Carr, Ian: Music Outside - Contemporary Jazz in Britain. London 1973.
- Carr, Ian: Keith Jarrett. The man and his music. First edition: London 1991. ISBN: 0246134348. Second edition: London 1992. ISBN: 0586092196.
- Carr, Ian: Miles Davis. New York 1982. ISBN: 0-688-01321-X.
- Carr, Ian: Miles Davis. A critical biography. London 1982. ISBN: 0-7043-2273-0. Re-issued, London 1984.
Also published as:
- Carr, Ian: Miles Davis: Eine kritische Biographie. Ins Dt. übertr. von Volker Kriegel u. Werner Schmitz. Baden 1985. ISBN: 3-906700-02-X.
Also published as:
- Carr, Ian: Miles Davis: una biografia critica. A cura di Riccardo Bertoncelli; postfazione di Giacomo Pellicciotti. Milano 1982. ISBN: - 88-85008-4 -X.
- Carr, Ian: Miles Davis: The Definitive Biography. London 1998. ISBN: 0-00-255222-1. Rev. ed., New York 1998. ISBN: 1-56025-241-3.
- Carr, Ian/Digby Fairweather/Brian Priestley: Jazz: The Essential Companion. London 1987. ISBN: 0586085300.
(As far as I know, there has been a re-issue by Paladin, London 1988)
- Carr, Ian/Digby Fairweather/Brian Priestley: Jazz: The Rough Guide. London 1995. 2nd ed.: London 2000. ISBN: 1858285283.
- Casas, Quim: Peter Gabriel. Barcelona 1990. No ISBN.
- Casiraghi, Giordano: Anni Settanta. Generazione rock. Roma 2005. ISBN: - 88-359-5728-1.
- Castellini, Davide: Le Canzoni di Peter Gabriel. Commento e Traduzione dei Testi. Rome 2004. ISBN 88-359-5570-X.
- Caswell, Judson C.: Minstrel in the Gallery: History in the music of Jethro Tull. From: The St. Cleve Chronicle: The Jethro Tull Mailing List, 7 December 1993, Volume 4 : Issue 92.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Cateforis, Theo: How Alternative Turned Progressive: The Strange Case of Math Rock. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 243 - 260. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Caunes, Antoine de: Magma. Paris 1978. ISBN: 2226005633.
- Chambers, Stuart: Yes. An endless dream of '70s, '80s and '90s rock music. An unauthorized interpretative history in three phases. Burnstown, ON, General Store, 2002. ISBN 1-894263-47-2.
- Charles, Daniel: Hommage an Demetrio Stratos. In: Fragmente. Schriftenreihe zur Psychoanalyse. Nr. 35/36, Kassel 1991, pp 135 - 143.
- Chekroun, Jacqueline: Marillion. L'čre du poisson. Cagnes-sur-Mer 1994. ISBN: 2-9508781-0-5.
- Chernoff, John Miller: African rhythm and African sensibility. Aesthetics and social action in African musical idioms. Chicago 1979. ISBN: 0-226-10345-5, 0-226-10344-7. Re-issued Chicago 1981.
also published as:
- Chernoff, John Miller: Rhythmen der Gemeinschaft. Musik und Sensibilität im afrikanischen Leben. München 1994. ISBN: 3-923804-39-3.
Wuppertal 1999. ISBN: 3-87294-838-5.
- Chiriacň, Giampaolo: Area - Musica e rivoluzione (=Rock people 3). Roma/Viterbo 2005. ISBN: -88-722-6853-2.
- Christopulos, Jim/Phil Smart: Van der Graaf Generator: The Book. Published by "Phil and Jim". 2005. ISBN 0-9551337-0-X.
- Cicmil, Slobodan/Goran Vejvoda: Brian Eno: Zaobilazne strategije. Belgrade 1986. ISBN 86-7339-003-8.
- Clarke, Steve: Genesis: Turn It On Again. The Illustrated Genesis Story. London, New York 1984. ISBN: 0711904421.
- Clemente, Luis: Triana. La Historia. Second edition, Sevilla 1997. ISBN: 84-930020-0-3.
- Clemente, Luís: Rock Andaluz. Una discografía. Sevilla (Spain) 2006. ISBN: 84-89619-94-8.
- Clerk, Carol: Marillion in Words and Pictures. London, 1985. ISBN: 0-7119-0768 (paperback).
- Colbeck, Julian: Keyfax. The Real Story Behind the Synthesizer Revolution. Emeryville, California 1996. ISBN: 0-918371-08-2.
- Colbeck, Julian: Keyfax. The guide to electronic keyboards. London 1985. ISBN: 0-86369-096-3.
- Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 2. The Guide to Electronic Keyboards. London 1986. ISBN 0-86369-155-2.
- Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 3. London 1988. ISBN: 187-095-1034.
- Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 4. London 1994. ISBN: 187-260-160X.
- Colbeck, Julian. Keyfax 5. London 1994. ISBN: 187-260-1650.
- Colbeck, Julian: Rock talk. London 1989. ISBN: 0750000775 (correct), 0750000783 (pbk), 0356167909.
- Colbeck, Julian: Zappa: a biography. London 1987. ISBN: 0-86369-156-0.
- Colbeck, Julian/Tony Mitchell: How to make a hit record. London 1989. ISBN: 1854700073.
- Coleman, Ray: Phil Collins: The Definitive Biography. First edition: London 1997. ISBN: 0684817845, second edition: London 1999. ISBN: 068486830X.
(also published as:)
- Coleman, Ray: Phil Collins. Die definitive Biographie. Aus dem Engl. übers. von Kirsten Borchardt. St. Andrä-Wördern 1997. ISBN: 3-85445-159-8.
- Collingbourne, Huw: Genesis - A 20th Anniversary Souvenir - In Praise of a Legend. Lionbond publishers 1987. No ISBN
- Collins, Jon: Marillion. Separated out. The complete history 1979-2002. London 2002. ISBN: 1900924498.
- Cope, Julian: KRAUTROCKSAMPLER: One head's guide to the great Kosmische Musik - 1968 onwards. Löhrbach 1995. ISBN: 0-9526719-1-3. 3rd edition 1996. ISBN: 3-925817-86-7.
- Cortés, David: El Otro Rock Mexicano - Experiencias Progresivas, Sicodélicas, de Fusión y Experimentales. Times Editores/Opción Sónica/Tower Records, Mexico 1999. 280 pages. ISBN: 968-7817-50-X.
- Coryat, Karl/Richard Johnston (editors): The bass player book - equipment, technique, styles and artists. San Francisco 1999. ISBN: 0879305738.
- Cotner, John Sidney: Archetypes of progressiveness in rock, ca. 1966-1973 (Beatles, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Jimi Hendrix Experience). The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2001.
(A 306 pp. Ph. D. Thesis, available here:
- Cotner, John S.: Music theory and progressive rock style analysis: on the threshold of art and amplification. In: Heintze, James R./Michael Saffle (ed.): Reflections on american music. The twentieth century and the new millennium. A collection of essays presented in honor of the college music society. New York, Pendragon Press, 2000. ISBN: 1576470709.
- Covach, John: Echolyn and American Progressive Rock. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 13 - 61.
- Covach, John: Emerson, Lake & Palmer's Trilogy. From: Progression Magazine, fall 1997.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Covach, John: Free Hand: The Gentle Art of Counterpoint. From: Progression Magazine, Spring 1996.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Covach, John: Genesis' Selling England by the Pound. From: Progression Magazine, summer 1997.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Covach, John: Jazz-Rock? Rock-Jazz? Stylistic Crossover in Late 1970s American Progressive Rock. In: Walter Everett (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999, pp. 113 - 134. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6.
(The article can also be found here.)
- Covach, John: Jethro Tull and the Long Song. From: Progression Magazine, summer 1996.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Covach, John: Progressive or Excessive? Uneasy Tales from Topographics Oceans. From: Progression Magazine, winter 1996.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Covach, John: Progressive Rock, 'Close to the edge', and the Boundaries of Style. In: Covach, John/Graeme M. Boone (Editors): Understanding Rock Music: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford 1997, pp. 3 - 31. ISBN: 0195100050.
(The online article is here.
- Covach, John: Stylistic Competencies, Musical Humor, and "This is Spinal Tap". In: Marvin, E. W./Hermann, R. (Ed.): Concert Music. Rock and Jazz since 1945: Essays and Analytical Studies. New York 1995. ISBN: 1580460968.
(This article is available here.)
- Covach, John/Graeme M. Boone (Editors): Understanding Rock Music: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0195100050.
(The book contains several articles, including Covach's „Progressive Rock,
'Close to the edge', and the Boundaries of Style".)
- Curtis, James M. Rock Eras: Interpretations of Music and Society, 1954-1984. Bowling Green, OH 1987. ISBN: 0-87972-368-8 (Clothbound) ISBN: 0-87972-369-6 (Paperback).
- Cutler, Chris: File under Popular: Theoretical and Critical Writings on Music. London 1985. ISBN: 0-936756-34-9. ISBN: 0946423016 (paperback).
Second edition, London 1989. ISBN: 0946423032 ISBN: 0946423040 (paperback).
Revised edition, London/New York 1992.
- Revised German edition, publishers Michael Schwinn 1994.
- Revised, expanded Japanese edition, publisher Susei Sha 1996.
- Revised, expanded Polish edition.
- French translation in train.
- D'Alesio, Sergio: Genesis. Milano 1981, Roma 1982 and Roma 1984. No ISBN.
- Dancha, Kim: My own time. The authorized Biography of John Wetton. Schnecksville, PA (USA) 1997. ISBN: 0-9654847-1-8.
- Dassisti, Franco: Pooh: Quelo che non sai. Milano. 1997. ISBN:88-04-42454-0.
- Dean, Roger: Views. 2nd edition, Limpsfield, Surrey (England)1975. ISBN: 0-905895-94-0. Reprint, Petaluma 1985. ISBN: 1-56640-448-7.
- Dearling, Alan/Mook Bahloo: Alternative Australia. Enabler Publications, Lyme Regis 2000. ISBN 0-9523316-4-0.
De Bellis, Pio: Ricerche per un'apoteosi del Pop italiano. 2000. No ISBN.
- Dechamps, Christian: Mes Mots d'Ange et autres vers solitaires. Jarville-La Malgrange 1993. ISBN:2-86955-149-5.
- Delâge, Frédéric: Chroniques du Rock progressif 1967/1979. Périgueux 2002. No ISBN.
- Delâge, Frédéric: Genesis: La boîte ŕ musique. Nancy 1998. ISBN: 2-910196-18-6.
- Del Soldato, Elisabetta/Marina Ganzerli: Jethro Tull: Testi con traduzione a fronte. Con un'appendice di commenti di Ian Anderson. Disco per disco. Firenze 1998. ISBN: - 88-09-21285-1.
- Demont, Max: Counting Out Time. The Worldwide Singles Discography Volume 1. 1993. Privately published, no ISBN.
- DeRogatis, Jim: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Prog-Rock Underground (But Were Afraid to Ask). From: Guitar World, 1998.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Di Cioccio, Franz: Premiata Forneria Marconi: Due Volte Nella Vita. Milano 1996. ISBN: 88-04-41064-7.
- di Fonzo, Luigi: Il Rock in Abruzzo. EcamLab, Pescara 2000. No ISBN.
- Doerschuk, Bob (Editor): Rock Keyboard, Foreword by Keith Emerson, Quill/GPI Books, New York 1985. ISBN: 0-68802-9612.
- Domone, Keith/Domone, Monika: The Barclay James Harvest Story. Swallowtail Publishing, San Ramon, CA 2005. ISBN: 0955119006.
- Dovico, Paolo/Luigi Riganti: Vinile italiano. Indice del nuovo rock dal 1977 al 2002. Torino 2002. Privately issued, No ISBN.
- Ducray, François: Genesis - De Peter Gabriel ŕ Ray Wilson. Rennes 1997. ISBN: 2-912836-01-8.
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. New York 1985. ISBN: 031324605X
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. First supplement, New York 1991. ISBN: 0313275424.
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. Second supplement, New York 2000. ISBN: 0738837547 (hardcover), ISBN: 0738837539 (paperback).
- Editorial Board of 200CD Progressive Rock ed.: 200 CD Progressive Rock. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4651820514.
- Eisner, Andy: Art- und Progressive Rock. Die kreativste Phase der Rock- und Popmusik? Maturaarbeit, Voitsberg 2005.
- El Haouli, Janete: Demetrio Stratos - Alla ricerca della voce-musica. N° 33 del periodico Sfera, Milano march-april 1993. (Book + CD)
Ellena, Lodovico: Storia della musica psichedelica italiana. Menhir Libri 1998.
- Emerson, Keith: Pictures of an Exhibitionist. London 2003. ISBN: 1-904034-79-9.
- Eno, Brian: A year with swollen appendices. Boston/London 1996. ISBN: 0571179959.
- Eno, Brian/Jean-Paul Mourlon: Brian Eno Journal - Une année aux appendices gonflés. Paris 1998. ISBN 2-84261-092-X.
- Eno, Brian/Russell Mills: More Dark Than Shark. London 1986. ISBN 0-571-13883-7.
- Espinoza, Barbara: Driving in diverse: a collective profile of Jethro Tull. Kearney, NE 1999. ISBN: 0739203304.
Espiral, ?: Jethro Tull. Canciones 1. Spain 2001.
- Estigarribia, Décio: Yes - Uma Rara Música de Quinteto. Rio de Janeiro 1996. ISBN : 85-85483-34-2.
Evans, Peter: Music from the Darkness - Mike Oldfield, 1953-1993. 1994.
- Everett, Walter (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6.
- Fabbri, Franco: Album Bianco - Diari Musicali 1965-2000. Milano/Padova 2001. ISBN - 88-7966-230-9. 2nd edition: Roma 2002. ISBN - 88-7966-259-7.
- Fabiano, Francesco: Peter Gabriel. Testi originali con traduzione a fronte, discografia completa, guida ai bootlegs. Genova 1999. ISBN: 88-86775-36-9.
- Farley, Alan: The Extraordinary World Of Yes. New York/Lincoln/Shanghai 2004. ISBN: 0-595-33133-5.
- Feito, Álvaro: Jethro Tull. Traducción de las canciones, Alberto Manzano. Barcelona 1990. No ISBN.
- Feurich, Hans-Jürgen: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 173 - 191. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
- Fielder, Hugh: The Book of Genesis. New York 1984. ISBN: 0-312-08880-9.
- Fiori, Umberto: Listening to Peter Gabriel's "I have the touch". pp. 37-44 in: Popular music 6 (1987).
- Fitch, Vernon: A Collectors Guide to Soft Machine, Gong, Henry Cow & Related Group Recordings. Pink Floyd Archives (PFA) 1998. No ISBN.
- Flesca, Valentino: Il pop & progressive in Italia. Varese 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN.
- Ford, Peter T.: The Compositional Style of Keith Emerson in „Tarkus" (1971) for the Rock Music Trio Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Indiana State University, Terre Haute Indiana 1994. No ISBN.
- Forrester, George/Martyn Hanson/Frank Askew: Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The show that never ends. A musical biography. London 2001. ISBN: 1-900924-17-X.
Frame, Pete: Yes - The Trip to Asia. Belgium? 1983.
- Freeman, Garry: The Bootleg Guide. Classic Bootlegs of the 1960s & 1970s. An Annotated Discography. Oxford 2003. ISBN: 0810845822.
- Freeman, Steven/Alan Freeman: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg. Leicester 1997. ISBN: 0-95295-06-0-X.
- Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Progressive Rock: Mainstream - the Golden Era: The DIG present disc guide series #017. Tokyo. 2004. ISBN:4-401-61858-0.
Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: Euro Progressive Rock. The DIG present disc guide series #018. Tokyo 2004.
- Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Progressive Rock - Outstanding edition. The DIG present disc guide series #020. Tokyo 2004. ISBN: 4-401-61882-3.
- Gallant, David: Asia. The Heat Goes On. The Authorized Asia Biography. Summerside, PEI, Canada 2001. ISBN: 0-9688584-0-6.
- Gallo, Armando: Genesis: The evolution of a rock band. First edition, London 1978. ISBN: 0-283-98440-6 (paperback) ISBN: 0-283-98439-2 (cloth).
- (It has also been published in Germany with different pictures and a different layout. ISBN: 3-9800216-0-2. Republished as:)
- Gallo, Armando: Genesis: I Know What I Like. Los Angeles, 1980. ISBN: 0-9604036-0-4 (paperback) ISBN: 0-9604036-1-2 (cloth).
The book also appeared as a limited edition of 1000 copies hand bound in leather, boxed,
numbered, and signed by the author. There was another printing circa 1986, but it was not updated.
Rereleased with a Paul Whitehead introduction in 1998.
- +
- Also published in French as 'Je Sais Ce Que J'aime' (1981) and Italian as 'La Loro Leggenda'.)
- Gallo, Armando: Genesis: From one fan to another. London/New York 1984. ISBN: 0-7119-0515-0 (paperback).
- Also published in Tokyo 1985. Same book as the UK version except the cover. ISBN: 4-401-62100-X.
- Gallo, Armando: Peter Gabriel. London/Sydney/New York/Cologne 1986. ISBN: 0-7119-0783-8 (paperback).
- Garmo, Trond Einar: Henry Cow. En analyse av avantgarderock, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2001. ISSN: 1502-6272, ISBN: 82-92267-02-6.
- Germonville, Jean-Pierre: Ange - Au-Delŕ Du Systčme, Vingt Ans De Musique. Nancy, Presses Univ. de Nancy 1990. ISBN: 2-86480-449-2.
- Giammetti, Mario: Genesis: discografia 1968-1993. Milano: 1994. No ISBN.
- Giammetti, Mario: Peter Gabriel. Il Trasformista. Padova 1999. ISBN: 0-88-7966-189-2.
- Giammetti, Mario: The Genesis Story. Milano 1998. No ISBN.
- Giammetti, Mario: Genesis. Il fiume del costante cambiamento. Roma 2004. ISBN: 8835955076.
- Giammetti, Mario: Phil Collins: the singing drummer. Tavagnacco 2004. ISBN: - 88-7282-836-8.
- Giammetti, Mario: Steve Hackett. The Defector. Tavagnacco 2005. ISBN: 8872829038.
- Giammetti, Mario: Tony Banks. Man Of Spells. Tavagnacco 2006. ISBN: 9788861380066.
- Gifford, Clive: The Script: An Illustrated Biography. London, 1987. ISBN: 0-7119-1113-4 (paperback).
Gnuvo, Art(?): The Story So Far. 1988.
Göbölyös, László N.: Genesis - Teremtéstől a Toplistákig. IRI 1987. ISBN: 963-02-49081.
Göbölyös, László N.: Dalnok A Balkonon. Karel-Humania, Könyv, Stereo KFT 1995.
Göbölyös, László N.: A progressziv rock mai sztárjai. Laude, 1989.
Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Du Rock Progressif.
Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Mondiale du Rock Progressif (Tomes 1, 2 e 3). Tome 2: L'école anglaise 1973 - 1982. 1992. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Graves, Barry: Classic goes Pop. In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1973, pp.181 - 183.
- Green, Jon: Promenade the Puzzle. The Poetic Vision of Peter Sinfield.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Greenland, Colin/David Lucas/Roger Dean/Martyn Dean: Magnetic Storm. San Francisco (CA) 1993. ISBN: 1-56640-449-5.
- Griffin, Mark J.T.: Vangelis - The Unknown Man. 2nd edition, Aberdeen 1997. ISBN: 0-9523187-2-5.
- Griffiths, Dai: Public School Boy Music: Debating Radiohead. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 159-167.
- Groh, Achim: Eine Diskographie Zur Deutschen Musik Szene. Neuendettelsau 1989. Published by the author. No ISBN.
- Grosse, Francis/Bernard Gueffier: La Discographie du Rock Français. Un guide musical, historique et discographique du rock français de la fin des années 60 ŕ nos jours. Hors série de Musea Mag, Musea MP 3017.AR, EAN-Code: 3426300030177. 1st ed. Chaumont 1984 (1000 copies), 2nd ed. 1986 (1000 copies), 3rd ed. Dombasle 1994 (2000 copies). ISSN: 1245-3692.
- Guillen, Sergio/Puente, Andres. Radiografia del rock experimental, De la psicodelia a la actualidad del rock progresivo. Sevilla 2006, ISBN: 84-933354-5-2
Guinot, Pascal: Du Progressif Espagnol Au Flamenco Spirituel.
- Guirin, François/François Ruaud: The History Of British Progressive Rock Of The Eighties. Lyon 1995. No ISBN.
- Gun, Ray: Out of Control. London 1997. ISBN 1-86154-040-X.
- Hainge, Greg: To(rt)uring the Minotaur: Radiohead, Pop, Unnatural Couplings and Mainstream Subversion. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 62-84.
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: Living In The Past: Rock-Opern, -Symphonien, -Suiten und Parodien. In: Kneif, Tibor (Ed.): Rock in den Siebzigern. Jazzrock, Hardrock, Folkrock u. New Wave. Reinbek 1980, pp. 40 - 81. ISBN: 3-499-17385-9.
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: Früher Jazzrock in Großbritannien - die Canterbury-Strömung. In: Jazzforschung/Jazz Research no. 22, Graz 1990.
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: Rock barock - Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition. Berlin 2001. ISBN: 3-00-008178-X.
- Hammill, Peter: Killers, Angels, Refugees. London 1974. ISBN: 0-85947-002-4.
- Hammill, Peter: Mirrors, Dreams and Miracles. Westbury, England 1982. No ISBN.
- Hansen, Mark: Deforming Rock: Radiohead's Plunge into the Sonic Continuum. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 118-138.
- Hanson, Martyn: The story of The Nice: Hanging on to a Dream. London 2002. ISBN: 1900924439.
- Harde, Erin: Radiohead and the Negation of Gender. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 52-61.
- Harrison, Gavin: Rhythmic Illusions. London 1996. ISBN: 1576236870.
- Hartwich-Wiechell, Dörte: Pop-Musik. Analysen und Interpretationen. Köln 1974. ISBN: 3-87252-078-4.
- Haskell, Gordon: The Road to Harry's Bar. Edinburgh 2006. ISBN: 1840189878.
- Heckstall-Smith, Dick: The safest place in the world. A Personal History Of British Rhythm and Blues. London 1984. ISBN: 0704326965.
- Hedges, Dan: Yes. The authorised biography. London 1981. ISBN: 0-283-98761-8.
- Henke, James: Human Rights Now! The Official Book of the Concerts for Human Rights Foundations World Tour. New York 1989. ISBN: 0881624624.
(This book is the official record of the concert tour taken by the megastars shown
on its cover (including Peter Gabriel) in 19 cities from London to Buenos Aires to raise
world consciousness of human rights and the plight of political prisoners world-wide.)
- Herold, Horst: Symphonic Jazz - Blues - Rock. Zum Problem der Synthese von Kunst- und Unterhaltungsmusik in symphonischen Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts. (= Populäre Musik und Jazz in der Forschung. Interdisziplinäre Studien. Bd. 5). Münster 1999. ISBN: 3825842967
- Hewitt, Alan: Opening the Musical Box: A Genesis Chronicle. London 2000. ISBN: 0-946719-30-6.
- Hillage, Steve/Miquette Giraudy: The Little Book of Words. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Hinners, Andreas: Progressive Rock. Musik zwischen Kunstanspruch und Kommerz (= Diplomica 25). Marburg 2005. ISBN: 3-8288-8942-5.
- Hinton, Brian: Message to love. The Isle of Wight Festivals, 1968-70. Chessington 1995. ISBN: 1860741479.
- Hiromi, Ito & others trans.: Into The Magical Mirror. Tokyo 1989. ISBN: 4783724105.
(Six Japanese poets translate the lyrics of their favorite tunes, and write essays on them. One of the lyrics is King Crimson's.)
- Hodgson, Alan J.: The Phantoms of 3000 Years: A look at some of the myths behind the music of Jethro Tull. First edition 1993. Second and extended edition, Birstall 2000. ISBN: 0-9538444-0-4.
- Hoffmann, Raoul: Die elektrische Klassik. Emanzipations-Versuche der Rock-Bands. In: Hoffmann, Raoul: zoom boom. Die elektrische Rock- und Popmusik. München 1974, S. 136-152.
- Hojn, Andrzej/Michal Wilczynski: SBB Wizje. Autoryzowana historia zespolu. Katowice 2003. ISBN: 83-919431-0-0.
- Holdsworth, Allan: Melody Chords For Guitar. 1997. Centerstream Publishing, Anaheim Hills, California. ISBN: 1-57424-051-X.
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin: A Promise Deferred: Multiply Directed Time and Thematic Transformation in Emerson Lake and Palmer's "Trilogy". In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 111 - 120. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin: The "American Metaphysical Circus" of Joseph Byrd's United States of America. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 43 - 62. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin: The Future is Now ... and Then: Sonic historiography in post-1960s rock. In: Genre 34, 2001, pp. 243 - 264.
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin. Apocalyptic otherness: Black music and extraterrestrial identity in the music of Magma. Popular Music and Society, Dec. 2003.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- von der Horst, Dirk: Precarious Pleasures: Situating "Close to the Edge" in Conflicting Male Desires. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 167 - 182. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Howard, Greg: The Chapman Stick, at home in the world of progressive rock. 2000 (from Progression Magazine).
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Howe, Steve/Tony Bacon: The Steve Howe guitar collection. London 1994. ISBN: 871547-64-4.
- Howie, Tomás: Rhythms of Progressive Rock.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
Ibrahim, Anwar/Moore, Allan: 'Sounds Like Teen Spirit': Identifying Radiohead's Idiolect. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 139-158.
- Imaizumi, Hiroshi: Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Tokyo 1977. No ISBN.
- Itoh, Masanori: Yes. Tokyo 1979. No ISBN.
(In japanese.)
- Iwamoto, Kouichirou: Fantastic Illustrated Music Book. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4924880396.
(In Japanese. A catalogue of prog rock in 60's & 70's with photos of 1,500 album jackets.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 1: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-900340-57-X.
(Harvest, Vertigo, Apple and Immediate catalogue in japanese.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 2: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.4. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4-900340-67-7.
(Virgin, Caroline, Charisma, B&C, Pegasus, Mooncrest and Dandelion catalogue in japanese.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'chiroh (ed.): Label Book 3: Strange Days Compile Series vol.6. Tokyo 2003. ISBN: 4-900340-77-4.
(Island, Bronze, Help, Obscure, Manticore, Swan Song and Dawn catalogue in japanese.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'chiro: The Imaginative Rock Music Guide: Psychedelic, Progressive Rock & Freak Beat. Tokyo 1995. ISBN:4-924880-39-6.
Jackson, Philip: Acid Dragon Dossier: Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums.
(Two volumes on 60 pages. Vol. one: The origins of progressive rock: how prog was born.
Vol. two: A guide to the 100 best prog albums.)
- Jacob, Dirk: Marktstudie und Marketingkonzeption zu dem Segment Progressive Rockmusik (Prog-Rock). Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Nürtingen, WS 1996/97.
- Jacobs, Brian: Keith Emerson. Interviews. Keyboard Magazine edition. Japan 1992. ISBN: 4-8456-0040-4.
- Jacobsen, Finn: Berührungspunkte des Progressive Rock mit artifizieller Musik in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren (Magisterarbeit, Universität zu Köln, Wintersemester 1998/99.)
- Johansen, Claes: Procol Harum. Beyond the pale. London 2000. ISBN: 0946719-28-4.
- Jones, Martin: Lovers Buggers & Thieves: Garage Rock, Monster Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Folk Rock. London 2005. ISBN: 1900486415.
- Josephson, Nors S.: Bach Meets Liszt: Traditional Formal Structures and Performance Practices in Progressive Rock. In: Musical Quarterly, vol.76, no. 1 (Spring 1992), pp. 67-92.
- Joynson, Vernon: The Tapestry of delights. The comprehensive guide to british music of the beat, R&B, psychedelic and progressive eras 1963 - 1976. 3rd Edition, Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 1899855084.
- Joynson, Vernon: Fuzz, Acid and Flowers. A comprehensive guide to american garage, psychedelic and hippie rock (1964 - 1975). Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 0-9512875-8-3.
- Joynson, Vernon: Dreams, Fantasies and Nightmares from far away lands. Canadian, Australasian and Latin American Rock and Pop 1963 - 1975. Glasgow 2000. ISBN: 1899855106.
- Juan Hernández, Javier de: Jethro Tull. Traducción de las canciones, Antonio Ortega. Madrid 1984. No ISBN.
- Kahyaoglu, Orhan: Jethro Tull. Katkida Bulunan: Bora Çetin. Çiviyazilari; Müzik, Eglence. 1. Edition Ekim, Istanbul 1991, 2. Edition Ekim, Istanbul 2000. ISBN: 9758086766.
- Kal'nickij, Vladimir: Rusificirovannyj King Crimson. Saint-Peterburg 2000. ISBN: 5-306-00043-6.
- Kamin, Philip: Phil Collins. Wauwatosa, WI 1985. ISBN: 0-88188-352-2.
- Kamin, Philip/Peter Goddard: Genesis. Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins & Beyond. New York 1984. ISBN: 0-8253-0243-9.
- Karl, Gregory: King Crimson's Larks' Tongues in Aspic: A Case of Convergent Evolution. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 121 - 142. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Kawamoto, Akitsugu: Beyond Cover: Emerson. Lake and Palmer's restructure of Pictures at an Exhibition. In: Musicology and Globalization: Proceedings of the international Congress in Shizuoka 2002. Tokyo 2004. ISBN: 4990228200.
- Kawamoto, Akitsugu: ‘Can You Still Keep Your Balance?': Keith Emerson's anxiety of influence, style change, and the road to prog superstardom. In: Popular Music XXIV 2, May 2005, pp. 223-244.
- Kawamoto, Akitsugu: Forms of Intertextuality: Keith Emerson's Development as a "Crossover" Musician. Dissertation Chapel Hill 2006. No ISBN.
- Keeling, Andrew/Mark Graham: A Musical Guide to King Crimson. Volume 1: Larks' Tongues in Aspic.(CD-ROM)
- Keeling, Andrew/Mark Graham: Musical Guide to „In the Wake of Poseidon" by King Crimson. (CD-ROM) 2004.
- King, Michael: Wrong Movements: A Robert Wyatt History. Wembley 1994. ISBN: 0-946719-101-1.
- There has been a japanese Translation: Tokyo 1997. ISBN:4-7926-0281-5.
- Kitamura, Masashi: King Crimson. Tokyo 1981. ISBN: 4-401-61081-4.
(In japanese.)
- Kneif, Tibor: Avantgarde: zum Beispiel Rockmusik. Notizen anläßlich der Deutschland-Tournee von Gentle Giant. In: Musik und Bildung 8, Mainz 1976, pp. 104/105.
- Kneif, Tibor: "Roll over Beethoven". Zur Beethoven-Rezeption in der Rockmusik. In: Musik und Bildung 8, Mainz 1976, pp. 535.
- Kneif, Tibor: Über sogenannte Rockopern. In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 49/50.
- Kneif, Tibor: Was ist ein "Concept Album"? In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 301/302.
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 131 - 144. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music VIII/2, 1977, pp. 237 - 251.
- Kneif, Tibor: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 168 - 170. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik. Ein Handbuch zum kritischen Verständnis. Reinbek 1982. ISBN: 3-499-16279-2.
- Kneisel, Christian: Wo das Kraut wächst. Rock in der Bundesrepublik. In: Kneif, Tibor (Ed.): Rock in den Siebzigern. Jazzrock, Hardrock, Folkrock u. New Wave. Reinbek 1980, pp. 197 - 245. ISBN: 3-499-17385-9.
- Knight, Brian L.: Rock in the Name of Progress.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Koch, Ralf: Deutsches Progressiv Rock Verzeichnis. 1st edition 1995. Published by the author. No ISBN.
- Kosinski, Piotr/Krzysztof Dmochowski: Marillion. Grendel, Fish i Hoggy. Kraków 1992. ISBN: 83-85335-05-6.
- Kull, Greg: The Anatomy Of Man.
- Kulluvaara, Jonne: Suomalainen progressiivinen rock 1967-2001. Popparienkeli Oy 2002. ISBN: 9529148259.
- Kuloda, Shilow (or: Kuroda, Shiro?): Yes. Ongaku Tomo (Japan) 1979. ISBN: 4-276-23330-5. Reprinted in 2000?
- Kurosawa, Susumu: Psychedelia in Japan. Tokyo 1994. ISBN: 4-401-61377-5.
- Lafiteau, Jean-Louis: L'Encyclopédie Des Musiques Progressives. Metz 1999. No ISBN.
- Lake, Greg: Word Sculptures. Lyrics from the Musical Life of Greg Lake. Greg Lake Ltd. c/o Pilato Entertainment, Rochester, NY 1997. ISBN: 0966505409.
- Lake, Steve: BRUHAHA für EBERHARD oder keiner popt Klassik schöner als SCHÖNER. In: Rock Session. Magazin der populären Musik. Bd. 5. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1981, pp. 253-255. ISBN: 3-499-17413-8.
Lange, Georg: Classic-Elemente in der Popmusik und ihre pädagogische Relevanz. Examensarbeit Hamburg 1971.
- Lansky, Paul: My Radiohead Adventure. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 168-176.
- Laufenberg, Frank: Genesis kommt: alles über die Welt-Tournee '92. Auf Europa-Tour vom 28. Juni bis 2. August. Presented by Volkswagen. Bergisch Gladbach, Bastei-Lübbe 1992. ISBN: 3-404-72523-9.
Also published as:
- Genesis en Tournee. Delta Press, France, 1992. ISBN: 3-404-72523-9.
- Lawhon, Mark E.: Classic Concerts of the 1970s: The Encores Continue. Lawhon Publications LLC. Photos of rock & jazz giants in concert, including The Who, Yes, Ted Nugent, Return to Forever & Jaco Pastorius! Leathers Publishing, Overland Park, KS 2004. ISBN: 1585972797.
- Leblanc, Lisa: Ice Age Coming: The Apocalyptic Sublime in the Paintings of Stanley Donwood. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 85-102.
- Leitner, Olaf: Rockszene DDR. Aspekte einer Massenkultur im Sozialismus. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1983. ISBN: 3-499-176971.
- Leonard, Deke: Rhinos, Winos & Lunatics. The Legend of Man, a rock'n'roll band. Bordon 1996. ISBN: 1-900711-00-1.
- Levin, Tony: Beyond the Bass Clef. The life and art of Bass playing. Woodstock, NY (USA) 1998. ISBN: 0-9668137-0-7.
- Levin, Tony: Crimson Chronicles. Volume 1: the ‘80's. Woodstock, NY 2004. ISBN: 0-9668137-1-5.
Lewis, Laurie: Yes Photos. 1979.
- Lindenthal, Martin: Express yourself. Yourself ... ? Madonna und Phil Collins. Die Imageanalyse von Popstars anhand zweier markanter Figuren. Dipl.-Arb., Wien, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, 1993.
- Lindhout, Helen: Beyond the Threshold of a Dream (A Journey into the Music of Justin Hayward). Menlo Park, Firthispake Publications 2000. ISBN: 0620179228.
- Livgren, Kerry/Kenneth Boa: Seeds of Change: The Spiritual Quest of Kerry Livgren. rev. and expanded ed., Nashville, Sparrow Press 1991. ISBN: 0917143035.
- Loog Oldham, Andrew: Stoned. London Secker & Warburg, 2000. ISBN 0-436-28866-4.
- López, Jaime: Yes. Traducción de las canciones, Alberto Manzano. Barcelona, Salvat, D.L. 1990. Reprinted in 2000. No ISBN.
- López, Jaime: Yes. Video Rock. Barcelona 1990. ISBN: 84-345-5289-2.
- López, José Miguel: Robert Fripp & King Crimson. Música de alto riesgo (Colección La encrucijada, Vol. 5). Madrid 1994. ISBN: 84-88857-06-3.
- Louis, Jeroen: Ian's Central Theme. Aqualung revisited.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Lucky, Jerry: The progressive rock files. 4. Edition, Burlington (ONT), Canada 1998. ISBN: 1-896522-10-6.
- Lucky, Jerry: 20th Century Rock and Roll: Progressive Rock. Burlington, Ont. 2000. ISBN: 1-896522-20-3.
- Lupis, Giuseppe: The published music of Keith Emerson: Expanding the solo piano repertoire. University of Georgia, Athens 2006. No ISBN.
- Macan, Edward L. 'The Spirit of Albion' in twentieth-century English popular Music: Vaughan Williams, Holst and the Progressive Rock Movement. In: Music Review, vol. 53, no. 2 (May 1992), pp. 100-125.
- Macan, Edward L.: Rocking the classics. English progressive rock and the counterculture. New York/Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0-19-509888-9.
- Macan, Edward: Endless Enigma. A Musical Biography of Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Chicago 2006. ISBN: 0-8126-9596-8.
- Malherbe, Didier: L'anche des métamorphoses. Sonnets. Chambéry 2001. ISBN 2-87661-236-4.
- Mantero, Piero: Genesis - Alle sorgenti della musica. Genova 1983. No ISBN.
Manzano, Alberto: Canciones. Traducción de Alberto Manzano. Madrid, Editorial Fundamentos. 1993.
- Marengo, Renato/Michael Pergolani: Enciclopedia del Pop Rock napoletano. Roma, RAI-ERI 2003. ISBN - 88-397-1230-5.
- Marengo, Renato/Michael Pergolani/Mario De Felicis/Umberto Telesco: Song 'e Napule. Rome 1998. ISBN 88-397-1029-9.
- Marín, Adolfo: La nueva musica. Madrid 1984. ISBN.: 84-7604005-9.
- Marshall, Polly: "The God of Hellfire". The crazy life and times of Arthur Brown. Wembley 2006. ISBN: 0-946719-77-2.
(Carl Palmer was Arthur Brown's drummer from May 1968 until June 1970. Expected in December.)
- Martin, Bill: Avant Rock: Experimental Music from the Beatles to Bjork. Chicago/La Salle 2000. ISBN: 0-8126-9500-3.
- Martin, Bill: Listening to the future. The time of progressive rock, 1968 - 1978. Chicago/La Salle ILL 1998. ISBN: 0-8126-9368-X.
- Martin, Bill: Music of Yes. Structure and vision in progressive rock. 2. Edition, Chicago/La Salle 1997. ISBN: 0-8126-9333-7.
- Martin, Bill: Pro Secrets Of Heavy Rock Singing. London, 2002. ISBN: 1860744370.
- Marziano, Alfredo: Peter Gabriel. Suoni senza frontiere. Milano 1998. ISBN: 88-86784-11-2.
- Mathews, Rodney/Rick Wakeman: Between Earth and the End of Time. Limpsfield 1995. ISBN: 1-899670-02-4.
- Matovina, Dan: Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger. San Mateo, Calif., Frances Glover Books 1997. ISBN: 0965712214 (pbk), 0965712206 (hardback). Re-published in 2000. ISBN: 0-9657122-2-2.
- Matsui, Takumi: Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Tokyo 1996. ISBN: 4-924880-85-X.
- Matsui, Takumi: King Crimson. Groups, solo & related works. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4924880531.
- Matsui, Takumi: Yes. Solos and related books. Tokyo 1997. ISBN:4-88745-006-0.
(158 pages in japanese.)
- Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of American (Progressive) Rock. (cover title: Encyclopedia of American Rock: Progressive Rock Side). Tokyo 1995. No ISBN.
- Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of European Rock 2. Germany 1969-1994. (cover title: Encyclopedia of German Rock: Marquee Special Edition). Tokyo 1994. No ISBN.
- Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): Marquee's Encyclopedia of European Rock 3. France Eric Satie - 1994. Tokyo 1994. No ISBN.
- Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): UK Progressive Rock 1970s Vol. 1. Marquee Special Edition. Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, ELP. Tokyo 1996. ISBN: 4-7926-0274-2.
- Matsumoto, Masayuki (ed.): UK Progressive Rock 1970s Vol. 2. Marquee Special Edition. Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Yes, Genesis. ELP. Tokyo 1997. ISBN: 4-7926-0280-7.
- Matthews, Rodney/Rick Wakeman: Between Earth and the End of Time. Limpsfield 1995. ISBN: 1-899670-02-4.
- Mauro, André/Breno Ninini: Rock Germânico no Brasil.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- McAleer, Ken: A progressive rock portfolio. Syracuse, N.Y., Central New Yorker, 1970. No ISBN.
- McFarlane, Ian: Freedom Train. Aussie Progressive Rock 1970-1976. Vol. 1, Issue 1. Box Hill [Vic.] 1994. ISSN: 1327-6387.
- McFarlane, Ian: Freedom Train. Aussie Progressive Rock 1970-1976. Vol. 1, Issue 2. Box Hill [Vic.] 1995. ISSN: 1327-6387.
- McFarlane, Ian: Freedom Train. Aussie Progressive Rock 1970-1976. Vol.1, Issue 3: The Australian Progressive, Hard Rock and Blues Record Guide (Special Collectors' Edition). Box Hill [Vic.] 1996. ISSN: 1327-6387.
- McLaughlin, John: John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra. New York 1976. No ISBN.
- Meyers, Brian: To Be The Play. A Timely Meditation On The Creations And Performances Of Jethro Tull. Annapolis 1978. No ISBN.
- Michelone, Guido/Giuseppe Valenzise: Bibidi Bobidi Bu: la musica nei cartoni animati da Betty Boop a Peter Gabriel. Roma 1998 (=Suonerie 6.) ISBN: 88-8210-081-2.
- Milkowski, Bill: Rockers, Jazzbos & Visionaries. New York 1998. ISBN: 0-8230-7833-7.
- Mirandi, Leandro Tonino: Vento, terra, pioggia, fuoco. Elementi, cielo, aria, la notte, notturno, acqua, mare, ecologia e natura ; L'interpretazione pittorica dell'artista che trae lo spunto dall'omonima opera musicale "Elementi" pubblicata nel 2001 dal famoso gruppo storico della musica "rock progressive" le Orme ; una fusione tra la musica e la poesia nella pittura. San Gabriele, Editoriale Eco 2002. No ISBN.
(Published in connection with an exhibition held in Accademia internazionale Sant'Agostino, Rome, in 2002. Pictures by Mirandi, inspired by Le Orme' „Elementi". 183 pages.)
- Mirenzi, Francesco: Rock progressivo italiano. Vol. 1: La storia, i protagonisti, i concerti. Roma 1997. ISBN: - 88-8210-007-3.
- Mirenzi, Francesco: Rock progressivo italiano. Vol. 2: I gruppi: il racconto dei protagonisti. Roma 1997. ISBN: - 88-8210-008-1.
- Mizukami, Haruko: Dream On! The legends and true stories of super rockers. Tokyo 1987. ISBN: 4880634298.
(In Japanese. King Crimson, Genesis, Pink Floyd are included in the book.)
- Monti, Cesare/Wanda Spinelli: Lucio Battisti e la Numero Uno. Milano 1999. No ISBN.
Maybe the same as:
- Monti, Cesare: Lucio Battisti e la Numero uno nelle fotografie di Cesare Monti. Milano, Zargo 1999. ISBN: 8887833095.
Montanari, Valdir: Rock Progressivo. Papirus Ed., Campinas 1985.
- Moore, Allan F.: Jethro Tull's "Aqualung". New York/London 2004. ISBN: 0-8264-1619-5.
- Moore, Allan F.: On the pop-classical split. In Derek B. Scott (ed.): Music, culture and society. Oxford 2000, pp.161-164.
- Moore, Allan F.: Review of Expression in Pop-Rock Music edited by Walter Everett, Music and Letters 82/1, February 2001, pp.145-9.
- Moore, Allan F.: Review of Understanding Rock by John Covach and Graeme M. Boone, Music and Letters 80/1, February 1999, pp.153-6.
- Moore, Allan F.: Signifying the spiritual in the music of Yes. In: Contemporary Music Review 14/3-4, 1996, pp. 25 - 33.
- Moore, Allan F.: Rock: The Primary Text. Developing a musicology of rock. Buckingham/Philadelphia 1993. ISBN: 0-335-09787-1 (hardcover) ISBN: 0-335-09786-3 (paperback).
New edition, Burlington, VT, October 2001: ISBN: 0754602982.
- Moore, Allan F.: (ed.): Analysing popular music. Cambridge 2003. ISBN: 052177120X.
- Moore, Allan F.: Jethro Tull and the case for modernism in mass music. In: Moore, Allan F.: (ed.): Analysing popular music. Cambridge 2003. ISBN: 052177120X.
- Moore, Allan/Ibrahim, Anwar: 'Sounds Like Teen Spirit': Identifying Radiohead's Idiolect. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 139-158.
- Moraghan, Sean: Mike Oldfield - A Man and His Music. London 1983. ISBN: 0-9519937-5-5.
- Morris, Dave:"Jethro Tull, Progressive Rock and Thematic Approach". Rochester 2000.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Morse, Tim: Yesstories. Yes in their own words. New York 1996. ISBN: 0-312-14453-9.
- There has been a japanese edition: Tokyo 1998. ISBN: 4-401-70129-1.
- Mosbø, Thomas J.: Yes - but what does it mean? Exploring the music of Yes. Milton WI 1994. (Doesn't have an ISBN).
- Moseley, Lawrence: Jethro Tull : Gutter Prose, Kitchen Rhymes, Art For Your Time. 2000.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Murley, Mark: Across the Threshold. 30 Years of Music and Retrospection. Lenexa, KS, Addax Publishing Group 2002. ISBN: 1886110999 (cloth), 188611093X (leather).
Mylock, Martin: Mannerisms. M. Mylock, 1992.
Mylock, Martin: Mannerisms II. M. Mylock, 1995.
- Nahoum, Leonardo: Enciclopédia Do Rock Progressivo. 1st edition 1994. Published by the author. No ISBN. 2nd edition with appendix, 1995. Published by the author. No ISBN.
- Nance, Scott: The Genesis of Phil Collins. Las Vegas 1991. ISBN: 1556983069.
- Nanni, Giancarlo: Rock progressivo inglese: la storia, le tendenze/quando il rock diventň europeo (1965-1974). Roma 1998. ISBN: 88-8210-051-0.
- Newman, Richard: The Making of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. The story of a record which has sold over 15,000,000 copies and helped to found the Virgin empire. Ely 1993. ISBN: 1-870951-174.
- Nollen, Scott Allen: Jethro Tull. A History of the Band, 1968-2001. Jefferson, North Carolina 2002. ISBN: 0786411015.
- Nuttall, Jeff: The bald soprano. London 1989. ISBN: 1871548152.
Oldfield, Mike: Born in the UK. London 1988. ISBN: 0863692419.
(A novel by Mike Oldfield? I don't know!)
- Olshausen, Ulrich: Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 171 - 172. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
- Olshausen, Ulrich: Text und Textrezeption in der Rockmusik: Zum Beispiel "Genesis". In: Musik und Bildung 7, Mainz 1975, pp. 323.
- Ortmann, Andy: Eine Henry Cow-Story. In: Hanni Manni - Kritik der Ware Popmusik Nr. 6. München 1978.
- Ortmann, Andy: Henry Cow. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 339 - 353.
- Ootaka, Shun'ichi: A Young Persons' Guide to Progressive Rock in England, Germany, Italy, France, U.S.A., Japan etc. Tokyo 1999. ISBN: 4-276-96073-8.
(In japanese.)
- Ottermann, Isabell/Margaret Maxwell/Armando Gallo: Phil Collins: live. Hamburg 1990. ISBN: 3-927801-10-0.
- Pallavicini, Piersandro: Quei bravi ragazzi del rock progressivo. Roma 1998. Second Edition: Roma 1999. ISBN: 88-241-0537-8.
- Palmer, Carl: Applied Rhythms. Modern Drummer Publications, Cedar Grove NY 1987. No ISBN.
- Palmer, John R.: Yes, ‘Awaken' and the progressive rock style. In: Popular Music 20/2, 2001, pp. 243 - 261.
- Paparoni, Demetrio (ed.): Brian Eno, Mimmo Paladino. I Dormienti. Milano 2000. ISBN 88-88098-00-3.
- Parkyn, Geoff: Genesis - The illustrated Discography. London 1983. ISBN: 0-7119-0163-5.
(reprinted as)
Parkyn, Geoff: Genesis - Turn It On Again: An Illustrated Discography. London 1984. ISBN: 0-7119-0442-1.
- Patterson, Archie: A History Of European Progressive Music: The Golden Age. Portland/USA 2000.
- Patterson, Archie: Eurock: European rock and the second culture. Torrance, CA 2004. ISBN: 0-9723098-0-2.
- Peiro, Paco B./Alberto Manzano/Miguel Angel Fernández: Peter Hammill: Canciones. Traducción de Alberto Manzano y Miguel Angel Fernández, selección y prólogo de Paco B. Peiro. Ed. bilingüe, Madrid: Espiral [etc.], 1989. No ISBN.
Pereira, Jeferson Araújo: As Obras Primas do Rock Progressivo. Independente Ed.
- Perleberg, Achim/Anja Preuß/Gert Hof et al.: Art In Heaven - The Millennium Event - The World's greatest Lightshow. Bochum 2000. ISBN: 3-9807371-0-1.
- Perry, Neil: Rare Rock: An A-Z Illustrated Price Guide to Collectable Albums from the Progressive Era. Perry & Perry Publishing 1989. ISBN-10: 1872446000, ISBN-13: 978-1872446004.
- Pethel, Blair: Keith Emerson: The emergence and growth of style. A study of selected works. Ann Arbor 1988. No ISBN.
- Petterson, Tobias: The Encyclopedia of Swedish Progressive Music 1967 - 1979: From Psychedelic Experiments to Political Propaganda - with Price Guide. Stockholm 2007. ISBN-10: 9189136225, ISBN-13: 978-9189136229.
- Picart, Hervé: Peter Gabriel. La Part du Je. Paris 1997. ISBN: 2-91175-070-7.
- Picart, Hervé/Jean-Yves Legras: Genesis. Paris 1979. ISBN: 0223-2979.
- Piferi, Riccardo: Premiata Forneria Marconi. Roma 1981. No ISBN.
- Pinhas, Richard: Les larmes de Nietzsche. Deleuze et la musique. Preface de Maurice G. Dantec. Paris 2001. ISBN: 2080678140.
- Pirenne, Christophe: Le Rock Progressif Anglais (1966-1977). Paris: Honoré Champion 2005. ISBN: 2745312006.
- Platts, Robin: Genesis: Inside & Out. Burlington, Ontario (Canada), 2001. ISBN: 1-896522-71-8.
- Plotczyk, S./ Smith, J.: Keith Emerson musical quote list sorted by composer.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Pognant, Jean Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN: 2-95098876-0-5.
Vincent, Jean-Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN: 2-95098876-0-5.
- Polkow, Dennis. "Rock Meets Classical." In: Musical America, vol. 112, no. 1 (January/February 1992), pp. 16-21.
- Poor, Kim: Genesis Lyrics. Illustrated by Kim Poor. London 1979. ISBN: 0283-98527-5 (paperback) ISBN: 0283-98526-7 (hardback).
- Poulet, Francis: Mona Lisa 1970-1980. Ou L'aventure "Pop" de cinq Orléanals. 1999. Privately Published, No. ISBN.
- Prato, Paolo: Musical Kitsch: Close Encounters Between Pops and Classics. In: Popular Music Perspectives 2. Goteborg: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), 1985, pp. 375 - 386.
- Prevost, Bernard: Rock Progressif... Les Réferences D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'hui…. 9th edition 1999. Published by the author. No ISBN.
- Protat, Denis: Encyclopédie du hard-rock des Seventies. Paris, Čd. Alternatives 2004. ISBN: 2-86227-411-9.
- Pucci, Celso: Can. Unanimidade subterrânea. Especial para o "Estado de Săo Paulo" 31. julho 1997.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Puig, Damián G./Julio Murillo/Adolfo Pérez: Moog'rock. Emerson Lake & Palmer, Yes, Genesis (= Colección Vibraciones: Cuadernos de rock). Barcelona 1977. ISBN 84-7311-011-0.
- Quinn, Marc: Incarnate. Marc Quinn. London 2000. ISBN 1-86154-048-5.
- Rain: Gravity. Morrisville, NC 2004. ISBN: 1-4116-1572-7.
- Randall: David: In and out of focus. The Music of Jan Akkerman and Focus. Wembley 2003. ISBN: 0-946719-44-6.
- Rechberg, Daniel: Progressiv rock. Artikeln handlar inte om svensk proggrock utan om s.k. "Progressive Rock". In: Sweden Rock Magazine 10, 2003, pp. 90-95.
- Rees, David: Minstrels in the Gallery. A history of Jethro Tull. London 1998. ISBN: 0946719225.
also published as:
- Rees, David: Minstrels In The Gallery. Die Geschichte von Jethro Tull. 2001. ISBN: 3-925005-60-9.
Czech edition published as:
- Rees, David: A Little History Of Jethro Tull - First Thirty Years. 2000.
- Ridolfi, Tommaso: Peter Gabriel. Sognando Un Mondo Reale. Milano 1987. No ISBN.
- Riemann Silke: Die Inszenierung von Popmusikern als Popstars in Videoclips: eine Untersuchung anhand der Videoclip-Kompilationen "US" - Peter Gabriel (1993), "HIStory" - Michael Jackson (1995) und "Greatest Flix II" - Queen (1991). Berlin, Pharus-Verl. 1998 (Dissertation Humboldt-Universität Berlin 1998). ISBN: 3-929223-52-X.
- Riley, Glenn: Progressive Rock Guitar. A Guitarist's Guide to the Style and Techniques of Art Rock. Köln 2005. ISBN: 0739035371.
- Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive. Firenze 1999. ISBN: 88-09-21787-X.
- Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive & underground in Gran Bretagna ed Europa 1967-1976. Firenze 2003. ISBN: 88-09-03230-6.
- Rizzi, Cesare/Fulvio Beretta: Enciclopedia del rock italiano. Milano 1993. ISBN: 88-7966-022-5.
- Robinson, David: The Directory of British Progressive Rock. 1st edition 1992, 2nd edition 1993, 3rd edition 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN.
- Robinson, Scott: YesTales. An Unauthorized Biography of Rock's Most Cosmic Band, in Limerick Form. Writers Club Press (iUniverse), Lincoln 2002. ISBN: 0-59522452-0.
- Robison, Brian: Somebody Is Digging My Bones: King Crimson's "Dinosaur" as (Post)Progressive Historiography. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 221 - 242. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Rojo, Jose Andres: Peter Gabriel. Madrid 1989. New edition 1994. ISBN: 84-376-0828-7.
- Romero, Carlos: King Crimson. Madrid 1999. ISBN: 84-376-1714-6.
(In Spanish. Thanks to Franz Neovalis Neulinger.)
- Rosa, Enrico: Baskursus. "Begydere". Distributed by Do-Re. Privately issued, no additional information available.
- Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. I. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available.
- Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. II. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available.
- Rosa, Enrico: Guitar Voicing Vol. III. 2002. Privately issued, no more information available.
- Rosca, Vic: Jon Anderson Inspired Poetry: Leap Into The Inconceivable. Frederick, MD 2005. ISBN: 1424101131.
- Rostek, André: A Collectors Guide to Marillion and Fish. Berlin 2002. ISBN: 3-931624-15-3.
- Roux, Dominique: Klaus Schulze, un saut dans l'inconnu. Association Internationale Cosmique, 2002. Privately published, no ISBN.
- Rudolf, Michael: Round about Jutesack. Yes, "Yessongs" (= The Essence of Rock, Bd. 1). Hannover 2001. ISBN: 3-932324-81-1.
- Ruesga Bono, Julián (ed.): Intersecciones, la música en la cultura electro-digital. Sevilla (Spain) 2005. ISBN: 84-609-6965-7.
- Ruffner, M.A.: "Women's Attitudes Towards Progressive Rock Radio". Journal of Broadcasting 17 (1972), pp. 85 - 94.
- Rüsenberg, Michael: Britische Szene 1966: "Wir glaubten wirklich, neue Welten aufzutun..." Ein Gespräch mit Jon Hiseman. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 231 - 238.
- Russell, Paul: Genesis - A Live Guide 1969-1974: Play me my Song. Wembley, U. K. 2003. ISBN: 0946719586.
- Russo, Greg: Flying Colours: The Jethro Tull Reference Manual. New York 2000. ISBN: 0964815761.
- Rycenga, Jennifer: Tales of Change within the Sound: Form, Lyrics, and Philosophy in the Music of Yes. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 143 - 166. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Samagaio, Frank: The Mellotron Book. Hal Leonard Publishing 2002. ISBN: 1931140146.
- Sandner, Wolfgang: Chuck Berry, Johnny B. Goode und Gentle Giant, Interview. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 164 - 167. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
- Sandner, Wolfgang: Neue Musik und Rockmusik. Beispiele zur Wechselwirkung musikalischer Ausdrucksformen. In: Musik und Medizin 1, 1978, pp. 81 - 84.
- Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 2: Underground & progressive, 1967-1973. Milano 1989. ISBN: - 88-85859-3 -9.
- Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 3: Dal glam al punk, 1974-1980. Milano 1990. ISBN: - 88-85859-9 -6.
- Schacht, Janis: Genesis. London 1984. ISBN: 0-86276-257-X.
- Schaeffer, John: New Sounds. The Virgin Guide to New Music. London 1987. ISBN 0-86369-375-X.
Schipani, Franco: Specialstar Genesis booklet included in Ciao 2001 magazine from 1987.
- Schmidt, Hans Christian: Per aspera ad Nirwanam. Oder: wie progressiv ist die Rockmusik-Ästhetik der 70er Jahre? In: Brinkmann, Reinhold (Hrsg.): Avantgarde. Jazz. Pop. Tendenzen zwischen Tonalität und Atonalität. Neun Vorlesungstexte. Mainz 1978, S. 104ff.
- Schmidt, Hildegard/Wolf Kampmann: Can Box Item II: Book. Münster 1998. ISBN 3-933642-01-09.
- Schneiderman, Davis: 'We got Heads on Sticks/You got Ventriloquists': Radiohead and the Improbability of Resistance. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 15-37.
- Schober, Ingeborg: Brian Eno: Musik vom Untergang der Titanic aus dem Pinguin-Café und anderes Obskures. In: Humann, Klaus/Carl-Ludwig Reichert (ed.): Rock session 3. Magazin der populären Musik. Reinbeck bei Hamburg 1979, pp. 354 - 359.
- Schober, Ingeborg. Tanz der Lemminge. Eine Musikkommune in der Protestbewegung der 60er Jahre. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1979. ISBN 3-499-17260-7. Re-published Augsburg 1994.
- Schramm, Karl/Burns, Gerard J. (editors). Jethro Tull. Complete Lyrics. Heidelberg, 1993. ISBN: 0-86359-977-X (hardcover).
Updated edition 2000. ISBN: 3930378116.
- Schuler, Manfred: Rockmusik und Kunstmusik der Vergangenheit. Ein analytischer Versuch. In: Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 35, Heft 2, 1978, pp. 135 - 150.
- Seibold, Jürgen: Phil Collins. Wien 1990. ISBN: 3-552-05014-0.
- Seibold, Jürgen: Peter Gabriel. Rastatt 1991. ISBN: 3-8118-3084-8.
- Seibold, Wolfgang: Beat und Kunstmusik. Zwei unvereinbare Gegensätze für die Schulmusik? In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1972, pp. 172 - 176.
- Sexton, Martin/Paul Hitchman (ed.): We Love You. London 1998. ISBN 1-86154-088-4.
- Shaw, Matthew: A dissertation about ELP's „Pictures at an exhibition". 24 pages, 2005.
- Shaw-Parker, David: The Lemming Chronicles. London, Pandoras Box, 1995. ISBN: 0952472503.
- Sheinbaum, John J.: Progressive Rock and the Inversion of Musical Values. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 21 - 42. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Shibuya, Youichi: The Theory of Evolution of Rock Music. Tokyo 1990. ISBN: 410146703X.
(In Japanese. 0ne of the chapters is about prog rock titled 'Progressive Rock; Beyond the Negativism.')
- Shibuya, Youichi: Holy Scripture of Rock. Tokyo 1997. ISBN: 4947599537.
(In Japanese. The author tries to show that there have been certain logical thought behind the rock music and the necessity
in the history of rock music. Naturally, one of the chapters is on prog rock.)
- Shibuya, Youichi & Matsumura, Yusaku: Rock Music After You Turn 40 Years Old. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4947599375.
(In Japanese. A dialogue of two rock music fanatics. One of the chapters is titled ‘Do you know progressive rock?')
- Shintami, Jun & Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Rrogressive Rock. Tokyo 2004. ISBN: 4401618580.
(In Japanese. A guidebook of more than 500 albums of UK prog rock.)
- Siepen, Elmar: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Rockmusik in Deutschland: Die Gruppe "CAN". Frankfurt am Main 1994. ISBN: 3-631-46443-6.
- Sierra i Fabra, Jordi: Historia y Poder del Rock Catala. Barcelona 1977. ISBN: 84-7175-117-8.
- Sierra i Fabra, Jordi: Rick Wakeman: Mitos y leyendas del brujo de Yes (= Colección Música de nuestro tiempo, Serie B, 1). Barcelona 1977. ISBN: 8471751186.
- Silas, Petri: The 2 cycles of Finnish progressive Rock. In: Finnish Music Quarterly 2, 2003, pp. 32 - 37.
Silva, Diego: Phil Collins. Barcelona, Salvat.
- Sinfield, Peter: Under the sky. A collection of lyrics and poems. London 1973. ISBN: 0-85115-0349.
- Skaradzinski, Jan/Piotr Kosinski/Marek Piatkowski: King Crimson. Kraków 1995. ISBN: 83-85335-29-3.
- Skaradzinski, Jan/Piotr Kosinski/Marek Piatkowski: Jethro Tull. Oprac. czesci dyskograficznej. Kraków: Wydawn. Rock-Serwis, 1997. ISBN: 83-85335-34-x.
- Small, Christopher: Music, Society, Education. A radical examination of the prophetic function of music in Western, Eastern and African cultures with its impact on society and its use in education. London, Calder 1977. ISBN 0-7145-3530-3, 0-7145-3614-8.
re-issued as:
Small, Christopher: Music, society, education. Hanover, NH, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1996. ISBN: 0-8195-6307-2, 0-7145-3614-8.
- Smith, Bradley: The Billboard guide to progressive music. New York 1997. ISBN: 0-8230-7665-2.
- Smith, Sid: In the Court of King Crimson. London 2001. ISBN: 1-900924-26-9.
- Smyth, Gilli: The Nitrogen Dreams of a Wide Girl. Outposts Publications. 1966. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Smyth, Gilli: We Who Were Raging in the Late '60's and Early '70's. 1987. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Smyth, Gilli/Babs Kirk: The Mind Book. 1989. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Smyth, Gilli: Politico Historico Spirito. 1994. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Smyth, Gilli: Godly Talk. 2001. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Smyth, Gilli: Vagaries of Godly Talk. 2002. Privately issued, no ISBN.
- Sonnemann, Ralf/Stoeferle, Peter/Hargreaves, Matt: Voices in the Dunes. The Tangerine Dream worldwide discography. Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany). No year, No ISBN.
- Southern, Terry: Virgin. A history of Virgin records. Axminster No year. ISBN: 1-89911600-1.
- Spicer, Mark S.: Large-Scale Strategy and Compositional Design in the Early Music of Genesis. In: Everett, Walter (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). New York 1999, pp. 77 - 111. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6.
- Spicer, Mark S.: A Review of Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture, by Edward Macan. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 149 - 158.
- Spicer, Mark: (Ac)cumulative Form in Pop-Rock Music. In: twentieth-century music 1/1 2004, pp. 29–64.
(This is an online article including an analysis of Yes' "I've seen all good people". It can be found here.)
- Spoon, Georgiana: Brightly Over the Threshold. A 30 Year Celebration of the Moody Blues. 1993. Privately issued, no ISBN.
Sportouche, Thierry: Poésie Progressive.
Sportouche, Thierry/Jacques Toni: Acid Dragon Dossier: Storia Di Un Minuto.
- St. Michael, Mick: Genesis - Testi Con Traduzione a Fronte. Milano 1982. ISBN: 88-85008-43-7.
- St. Michael, Mick/Peter Gabriel: Peter Gabriel: In his Own Words. New York 1994. ISBN: (paperback): 0711936358.
- Staiti, Alessandro: Robert Fripp & King Crimson. Roma 1982. No ISBN.
Staiti, Alessandro/Giampiero Cara: Peter Gabriel. Diritti umani subito. Edizioni Leti (Big Parade) 1989.
Star, Renaldo: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1986.
(16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.)
With a similar cover, differing only in color and a different photograph used, apart from that looking exactly the same is:
Stuart, Bruce: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1987. ISBN: 0-921183-05-4.
(32 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.)
- Stofer, Franck (ed.): Japanese Independent Music. Talence Cedex/France 2001. ISBN 2-9515644-0-6.
- Storti, Riccardo: Progressive in italia. Genova 2003. No ISBN.
- Storti, Riccardo: Codice Zena: itinerari musicali. Milano 2005. ISBN - 88-901-6480-8.
(Storti tells the story of the Genova prog scene since the late 60's, with interviews and discographies. In italian.)
- Strong, Martin C.: The great psychedelic discography. Edinburgh 1997. ISBN: 0-86241-726-0.
Stuart, Bruce: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1987. ISBN: 0-921183-05-4.
(16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.)
With a similar cover, differing only in color and a different photograph used, apart from that looking exactly the same is:
Star, Renaldo: Peter Gabriel. Monarch Books, Downsview, ON 1986.
(16 pages, color and b&w photos throughout.)
- Stump, Paul: Digital Gothic. A critical discography of Tangerine Dream. Wembley (UK). 1997. ISBN: 0-946719-18-7.
- Stump, Paul: The music's all that matters. A history of progressive rock. 2. Edition, London 1998. ISBN: 0-7043-8036-6.
- Stump, Paul: Go ahead John: The Music of John McLaughlin. Wembley 2000. ISBN: 0946719241.
- Stump, Paul: Gentle Giant. Acquiring the Taste. Wembley 2005. ISBN: 0-946719-61-6.
- Takami, Horoshi/Numero Ueno: History of Japanese Progressive Rock 1970-1990. Tokyo. 1994. No ISBN.
(In Japanese.)
- Tamm, Eric: Brian Eno, electronic musician: progressive rock and the ambient sound, 1973 - 1986. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1987.
- Tamm, Eric: Robert Fripp: From King Crimson to Guitar Craft. Boston/London 1991. ISBN: 0-571-12912-9.
- (There has been a japanese edition, published by Takarajima-sha (Tokyo 1993. ISBN:4-7966-0653-X).)
- Tamm, Eric: Brian Eno: His Music and the Vertical Color of Sound. Boston/London 1991. ISBN: 0306806495. Reissued 1989, ISBN: 0-571-12958-7.
- Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7.
- Tate, Joseph: Introduction: The Music and Art of Radiohead. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 1-8.
- Tate, Joseph: Hail to the Thief: A Rhizomatic Map in Fragments. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 177-197.
- Tate, Joseph: Radiohead's Antivideos: Works of Art in the Age of Electronic Reproduction. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 103-117.
- Tatsumi, Takayuki: Philosophy of Progressive Rock. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4582831346.
(In Japanese.)
- Tempo, Enzio (alias Gaudenzio Temporelli): „She's a Lady". 2006.
(This is an online article about Genesis. Click here. In italian.)
- Tempo, Enzio (alias Gaudenzio Temporelli): The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway come «opera alchemica».
(This is an online article about the Genesis album. Click here. In italian.)
Gaudenzio Temporelli: See Tempo, Enzio
- Tenshin, Yasufumi: Age of Superstars. Tokyo 1994. ISBN: 4401613139.
(In Japanese. The fourth chapter is on Hard Rock and Prog Rock.)
- Thomason, Neil R.: Jethro Tull, Celtic or English? From: The St. Cleve Chronicle, March 1998.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Thompson, Dave: Turn It on Again: Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, and Genesis. San Francisco, CA 2004. ISBN: 0879308109.
- Tiberio, Ida: Peter Gabriel. Xplorazioni nel mondo reale. Firenze 1998. ISBN: 88-09-21472-2.
Toni, Jacques: Acid Dragon Dossier: The Brass Lizards.
- Toop, David: Ocean Of Sound. Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds. London 1995. ISBN 1-85242-382-X.
- Torelli, Ivan.: Il rock progressivo italiano degli anni Settanta (tesi di laurea al momenta inedita, discussa presso l'Universitŕ degli Studi di Parma - Facoltŕ di Lettere e Filosofia) Parma 2003. No ISBN.
- Torre, Luis Fernando: Vangelis. (Rock pop 45) Madrid 1998. ISBN 84-376-1595-X.
- Trifirň, Gian Piero: Storia e leggenda. Orme Music Club 2006. Privately issued, no ISBN.
(Le Orme biography. 300 pages. In italian.)
- Trummer, Thomas: Gitarrensound und Spieltechnik von Allan Holdsworth. Diplomarbeit, Universität Graz 2001.
Tsukamoto, Yashima/Ken'ichi Nakano: NewXcellent1. Japan 1999. No ISBN.
(On Genesis.)
Vargas, Alexandre: Peter Hammil - Camaleăo na Sombra da Noite. Assírio e Alvim Ed., Lisboa.
- Vassia, Franco: I campi della memoria, semi di beat, folk & rock. San Sebastiano da Po 2001. No ISBN.
- Vasváry-Tóth Tibor: Yes - A rockzene rendszere. PCD Multimedia Kft. Budapest 1994. ISBN: 9630441764.
Vasvári-Tóth, Tibor/Krisztina Újvárossy-Nagy: Emerson Lake and Palmer. Budapest 1999.
Vázquez, Roberto: Rock Progressivo. México DF 2000.
- Vickers, Peter: Genesis Collectibles. Compiled by Peter Vickers. Bangor 2001. No ISBN.
- Vickers, Peter: Genesis. The Top 200 Worldwide Rarities. Bangor 2005. Privately published, no ISBN.
- Vickers, Peter: Genesis Through The Ages (A Pictorial History). Bangor 2007. Privately published, no ISBN.
- Vig, Wendy/Jon Anderson: Fountains of Gold. Chester, NY 1997. ISBN: 0-9623-6939-X.
- Vigorito, Giampiero: Genesis. Milano 1981. No ISBN.
- Vincent, Jean-Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN:2-95098876-0-5.
Pognant, Jean Claude: Seventies. Offemont 1996. ISBN:2-95098876-0-5.
- Voorbij, Jan: "Do You Still See Me Even Here.........?" Seven years of Virtual Jethro Tull community. 2001.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Wakeman, Rick: Say Yes! An autobiography. London/Sydney/Auckland 1995. ISBN: 0-340-62151-6.
- Wakeman, Rick: Grumpy old Rock Star. And Other Wondrous Stories. London 2008. ISBN: 9781848090040
- Wakui, Kohji (ed.): Deep Forest of British Rock 1955-1975. Tokyo. 2001. No ISBN.
- Wakui, Kohji (ed.): Deep Forest of British Rock 1976-1990. Tokyo. 2001. No ISBN.
- Wall, Mick. Market Square Heroes: The Authorized Story of Marillion. London, 1987. ISBN: 0-283-99426-6.
- Waller, Johnny: Phil Collins. London 1986. ISBN: 0946391785.
- Waller, Johnny: The Phil Collins Story. London 1985. ISBN: 0-946391-785.
- Wanda, Jürgen: Blue guitar. Die Geschichte der Moody Blues. Balve 1996. ISBN 3-925005-74-9.
- Warner, Timothy: Pop Music - Technology and Creativity. Trevor Horn and the Digital Revolution. Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series. Burlington 2003. ISBN: 0-75463132-X (paperback), 0-74563131-1 (hardback).
- Watkinson, David: Perpetual change - 30 years of Yes. London 2001. ISBN: 0-85965-297-1. Second edition, London 2002.
Watkinson, David: Title? 2004.
(A booklet about the Warriors.)
- Weiss, Ralph: New Facts & Old Files. Discographie by Ralph Weiss. Süssen 1994. Privately issued, No ISBN.
(A 90 page Mike Oldfield discography in german. Order the book from here.)
- Welch, Chris: Close to the Edge. The story of Yes. London/NY/Sydney 1999. ISBN: 0-7119-6930-2.
2. Edition, London/NY/Sydney 2000. ISBN: 0-7119-8041-1.
(A revised paperback edition of "Close to the Edge", covering up to 'In a Word'
and the band's 2002 touring, has been released in March 2003.)
- Welch, Chris: The Complete Guide to the Music of Genesis. London 1995. ISBN: 0711954283.
- Welch, Chris: Genesis. London 1995. ISBN: 0711954283.
- Welch, Chris: The secret Life of Peter Gabriel. London/New York 1998. ISBN: 0711968128.
- Welch, Chris/Robert Ellis: Genesis special: The invisible report. London: Metal Hammer 1987. No ISBN.
- Whitaker, Sterling C.: Unsung Heroes of Rock Guitar. Self-published through ImprintBooks, Charleston, S. C. 2003. ISBN 1-59109-758-4.
- White, Curtis: Kid Adorno. In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 9-14.
- Whiteley, Sheila: An investigation into the relationship between progressive rock and the British counter-culture 1967 - 1973. Boston Spa. - Open Univ., Diss. 1989.
- Whiteley, Sheila: Progressive rock and psychedelic coding in the work of Jimi Hendrix. In: Middleton, Richard (editor): Reading pop. Approaches to textual analysis in popular music. pp. 235-261. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-19-816612-5 (ib.), 0-19-816611-7 (h.)
- Whiteley, Sheila: The space between the notes. Rock and the counterculture. London/NY 1992. ISBN: 0-415-06816-9.
- Wienrich, Stephanie/Nicholas Albery/Mary McHugh (ed.): Seize the day: 366 tips from famous & "extraordinary ordinary" people. London 2001. ISBN: 0701169389.
(Has a foreword from Brian Eno.)
- Wilkinson, Mark: Masque - The Graphic World Of Mark Wilkinson, Fish And Marillion. Haddington 2000. ISBN: 0-9539-5510-9.
- Wincentsen, Edward/Rhonda Conley: The Moody Blues Companion. New York, Wynn Publishing 2001. ISBN: 0964280892.
- Wooding, Dan: From Tabloid to truth. Hemet, CA 2004. ISBN: 0974716359.
- Wooding, Dan: Rick Wakeman: The caped crusader. London 1978. ISBN: 0-7091-6487-4.
- Wright, Jonathan: Tales from graphic oceans. A study of the role of graphic design in English progressive rock and the concept album (1967-76). Dissertation (M.A.), University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art, Division of History of Art and Design. Original typescript 1997.
Wyatt, Frank: Oblivion Sun. Far Gone Books 2000.
- Wyn Jones, Carys: The Aura of Authenticity: Perceptions of Honesty, Sincerity and Truth in ‘Creep' and ‘Kid A' . In: Tate, Joseph (ed.): The music and art of Radiohead. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot 2005. ISBN: 0-7546-3979-7, pp. 38-51.
- Yamazaki, Naohiro/Kagawa, Masahiko/Furuta, Suguru/Matsumoto, Masayuki(eds.): Marquee's Encyclopedia of European Rock 1966-1987. 1st edition, Tokyo 1987. No ISBN. 2nd edition, Tokyo 1990. No ISBN.
- Yamazaki, Naohiro (ed.): Marquee Special Edition: Encyclopedia of British Rock. Marquee Special Edition. Part 1: Progressive Rock & Its Periphery. Tokyo, 1990. No ISBN.
- Yamazaki, Naohiro (ed.): Marquee Encyclopedia of European Rock 1. Italy 1965-1993. (cover title: Encyclopedia of Italian Rock: Marquee Special Edition). Tokyo. 1993. No ISBN.
- Zeitz, Petra: Genesis. Rastatt 1992. ISBN: 3-8118-3902-0.
- Zeitz, Petra: Phil Collins: ein ganz normaler Superstar. Bergisch Gladbach 1991. ISBN: 3-404-61207-8.
- Zill, Didi: Jethro Tull. Die legendäre Band in Fotografien von 1969 bis 1984. Berlin 2003. ISBN: 3-89602-462-0.
Zito, Giovanni: Jethro Tull Il flauto nella roccia. Ed. Geronimo 1997.
- Zoppo, Donato: Premiata Forneria Marconi: 1971-2006. 35 anni di rock immaginifico. Roma 2006. ISBN - 88-359-5831-8.
- No Author: echolyn: echolyn Global Guide to ‘As the World'. West Point, PA, Bridge, 1995.
- No Author: echolyn: ‘Suffocating the Bloom' - The Gardener's Guide. West Point, PA, Bridge, 1992.
- No author: Genesis - Imagenes y canciones. Venezuela 1988. 'Volume 1' with lyrics and history from 1968-1974. 'Volume 2' 1976 - 1986. No ISBN.
- No author (ed. Musea/Sonore/Art Zéro Magazine): Musiques Japonaises Indépendantes des Années 90. Metz/France 1998. ISSN: 1245-3692.
- No Author: Peter Gabriel: interviste, storie e travestimenti. Discografia completa da solo e con i Genesis. Milano 1985. ISBN: 0-88-85008-7-1.
- No Author: Procol Harum. Shine on archive 1-5. London 1997. ISBN: 0953299902.
- No author: Progressive Music - Discography And Price Guide. CD-ROM. International music discographies/Megaworld 2001.
- No author: Progressive Rock strikes back (1). Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4872790855 (cloth).
(In Japanese. A reprinted edition of special issues of magazines on Pink Floyd, ELP, Jethro Tull, Moody Blues, Focus, PFM, Soft Machine, King Crimson, Can and others.)
- No author: Progressive Rock strikes back (2). Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4872790863.
(In Japanese. A reprinted edition of special issues of magazines on Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Moody Blues, Procol Harum, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Boston, UK, Asia, Barclay James Harvest, Alan Parsons Project etc.)
- No author: Rockin' On ed.: Rock giants 70's. Tokyo 1993. ISBN: 4947599243.
- No Author: Il rock orchestrale e progressivo. Il glam rock, Il punk e la new wave. (= Il rock: la musica, gli artisti, i segreti 4). Novara, De Agostini 1990. No ISBN.
(Part four of a seven volume documentation of rock history. 268 pages, in italian.)
- No Author: Yes. Group, solos and related works. FM books, Tokyo 1997. No ISBN.
Author? Art Rock Album Guide.
Author? Biographie Française.
Author? Canciones 1 & 2. Madrid 2000. ISBN: 84-245-0856-4 and 84-245-0857-2.
(Spanish lyrics for Genesis songs.)
Author? Dall'Africa all'Oriente - la nuova musica del mondo. Edizioni La Repubblica 1996.
(About Peter Gabriel)
Author? Genesis. Forte editore, Milano 1983. No ISBN?
Author? Genesis. 1986. No ISBN.
Author? Genesis. Spain 1987.
Author? Genesis 80's. Spain 1986.
Author? Genesis con Peter Gabriel - Leyendas. Argentina 1986. No ISBN?
Author? Genesis File. X New 1.
Author? Genesis. La Leggenda Continua. Fratelli Gallo Editori. 1984. No ISBN.
Author? Genesis. Biographie, Discographie, Concerts. "The Lamb" en francais. Montreal 1980.
Author? King Crimson. Goldmine. January 10, 1992. Krause Publications 1992.
Author? King Crimson. Groups, solo & related works. FM Books, Tokyo.
Author? King Crimson. Marquee Moon.
Maybe the same as:
Author? King Crimson. Tokyo. 1995. No ISBN.
Author? La Saga Genesis. 1987. CV Stars Number 6.
Author? La Traque Du Son Neuf. 1998.
Author? Love generation 1966-1979. Tokyo 2000. ISBN: 4-276-96092-4.
Author? Marquee 1981-1990. Tokyo. 1995. No ISBN.
Author? Mike Oldfield. Omnibus Press 1984. Fuori stampa. ISBN: 0711904804.
Author? Mike Oldfield. Dark Star Back Issues. 1994.
Author? Minstrels Of Rock 'n' Roll. History of Jethro Tull. 1996.
Author? Musiques Japonaises Indépendantes. Des Années Quatre-Vingt Dix. 1999.
Author? Peter Gabriel. Arcana Editrice. (Manuali Rock), Milano 1985.
Author? Peter Gabriel. Arcana Editrice. (IMMAGINAzioni), Milano 1989.
Author? Peter Gabriel. Edito - Inedito - Inatteso. Edizioni Sconcerto, Roma 1983.
Author? Phil Collins & Genesis. Music Exclusive Number 2. France 1993.
Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 1. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-085-5.
Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-086-3.
Author? Rock Talk.
('Rock' Stories, contributors include Daevid Allen & Keith tha Bass.)
Author? Storia - Testi - Foto inedite. Edizioni Sconcerto, Roma 1982.
(About Peter Gabriel.)
Author? The Invisible Report - Metal Hammer Special UK 1987.
Author? Triana. La historia.
Author?: 200 CD Progressive Rock. Tokyo. 2001. ISBN: 4-651-82051-4.
Author? Yes (US) 1983.
Author? Yes File. Tokyo 2005.
(156 pages in Japanese.)
Author? Title? Greece 19??
(A Jethro Tull lyrics book, in Greek. Contains no photos, only lyrics in english and a translation into greek.)
Author? Title? Greece 19??
(A Jethro Tull lyrics book, in Greek. Contains 1 photo, AND lyrics in english and a translation into greek.)
Author? Title? Turkey 1991.
(A book about Jethro Tull, in Turkish. Contains some photos, some lyrics (both in english and turkish), and a chronological history about every album.)
The following might be songbooks:
Author? Mike Oldfield 1973 - 1983. 1983.
Author? On Horseback. 1975.
Author? Phil Collins ... Hits.
Author? Portsmouth. 1976.
(A Mike Oldfield book.)
Author? Tubular bells. 1983.
Author? Tubular Bells II. 1992.
Author? Tubular bells III. 1999.
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II. Not yet published
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 2, Gong: 69-75. 2004.
- Budd, Vince: Jon Lord. The Gemini Man. Gnosis Press 2007.
- Cimino, Michael: Badfinger and Beyond - The Authorized Biography of Joey Molland. 2007.
- Dean, Roger: Dragons Garden. 2007.
- Fahey, Todd Brendan: Service with a smile. The Book of Happy The Man. Far Gone Books, 2004?
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin: Tell Mussorgsky the News: Emerson, Lake and Palmer's "Pictures at an Exhibition" as open work. Forthcoming.
- Moore, Allan F.: Review of Progressive Rock Re-considered edited by Kevin Holm-Hudson. In: twentieth-century music. Forthcoming.
- Rabey Brian: Ian Anderson of "Jethro Tull". Helter Skelter Publishing (Oktober 2007). ISBN-10: 1-905139-03-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-905139-03-3.
- Rabey Brian: Jethro Tull: 30 Years of Music and the Magic Flute. Billboard Books, U.S. ISBN: 0823083268.
- Rosa, Enrico: Blues voicing. Forthcoming.
- Rosa, Enrico: Open Strings. Forthcoming.
- Another forthcoming release is the Audion CD-ROM from Ultima Thule-Audion. 2004?
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III. In the making (can anyone confirm this?)
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 3.
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 4.
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 5.
- Allen, Daevid: Gong Dreaming 6.
- Anderson, Jon: A book of his paintings and lyrics.
- Anderson, Jon/Kathy South: Visions of Light (working title).
- Blasquiz, Klaus: said he was working on a book about Kobaďa in 1972.
- Blasquiz, Klaus: still seems to be working on a book about Magma (the same book as mentioned in '72?) in 1994: „I intend to write a book on Magma that will be a precise diary with many photographs and illustrations."
- Busch, Carsten: a Progressive Rock Encyclopaedia. Currently 1.500 pages!
- Coad, Tanya: A book about Jon Anderson.
- David Foster: Yours is no Disgrace.
- Freeman, Garry: Yes—A Live Guide 1968-1979.
- Freeman, Steven/Allan Freeman: A new book about Italian progressive rock
- Freeman, Steven/Allan Freeman: A new book about French progressive rock
- Giammetti, Mario: Writing a book about Tony Banks
- Gottlieb, Doug/Glenn Gottlieb: Yesstuff: ultimate Yes collections & collectors.
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: A book called "Progressive Rock - Die Ernste Musik der Rockmusik" is planned.
- Hanson, Martyn: the Routinier is writing a Colosseum book called "The Time machine".
- Hasnes, Geir: A book on composition techniques in progressive rock.
- Howe, Steve: Howe is writing a book called "The guitarist's survival kit".
- Howe, Steve: He is also working on his autobiography.
- Kull, Greg: On the Grounds between Progress and Convention.
- Kull, Greg: Poems.
(Some eighty poems were written in 1994 through 1996 and have yet to be published.)
- Kull, Greg: The Revolution.
(This novel has yet to be published.)
- Leroy, Aymeric: A book about the Canterbury scene.
- Levin, Tony: Crimson Chronicles. Volume 2.
- Loeslin, Clifford: Yes. Beyond and Before.
- Martin, Bill: working on a new Yes book.
- Molland, Joey/Billy James: When I Was A Boy - My Life With Badfinger. Bentonville 2007.
(The new book on Badfinger written by band member Joey Molland with
Billy James, formerly announced as "Day after Day - The story of Badfinger"
has a new title "When I Was A Boy - My Life With Badfinger".
- Nicholson, Yvonne: Jethro Tull - Before This Was And After.
- Nřrgaard, Terkel: Is writing about progressive rock fanzines, and how they developed during the 90's (University assignment)
- Panagiotopoulos, Stathis: Who's the white-haired gentleman?
(A Jon Lord Biography.)
- Pfeifer, Eric: Krautrock.
(Eric Pfeifer is working on a Diplomarbeit about Krautrock)
- Pfeifer, Eric: CD-List.
(Pfeifer is also working on a list of bands and albums from the 60s and 70s wich were important for several reasons.)
- Polson, Willow: Olias of Sunhillow
- Regenthal, Werner: Progressive Rock Archive.
- Sallak, Bill: working on a master's degree in music history about the appropriation of minimalist composition techniques by progressive rock musicians.
- Sefton, Michael: writing a book on the rarities of Progressive and Psychedelic music of the 60's and 70's.
- Vander, Christian: „I plan to write a philosophical book. The book will look like a novel. I already have 800 pages written."
- Wakeman, Rick: A novel. Originally planned for 2003.
- Wakeman, Rick: Writing a book about Yes.
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