Progressive Rock in general
Here you can see in chronological order those titles from the larger list that cover Progressive Rock in general.
You can go directly to the following sections:
I. Books and articles already published
II. Not yet released
III. Books in the making
I. Books and articles already published:
Barraco, S./L. D'Accursio: Mini enciclopedia della musica Progressive.
(Buy here.)
Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Du Rock Progressif.
(These extremely well-researched books tell the story of the world Progressive
movement from its origins up to now, dealing with chronological, geographical and
stylistic aspects. Each band, from the most famous to the most obscure, is covered
by a biography and a discography. Many photos of covers (In black and white).
A5 format, written in French, with colour covers.
8 Volumes altogether: Tome 1: England 1965 to 1972, Tome 4: Italy 1969 to 1973,
Tome 5: Italy 1974 to 1979, Tome 6: Italy 1980 to 1994, Tome 7: Germany 1969 to 1978.
Can be ordered here.)
Jackson, Philip: Acid Dragon Dossier: Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums.
(Two volumes on 60 pages. Vol. one: The origins of progressive rock: how prog was born.
Vol. two: A guide to the 100 best prog albums.
More information here.
French magazine Acid Dragon has published a certain number of special reports. Written in English,
those files soon proved to be an essential source of information about an entire segment of progressive rock.
The 40-page book "Storia Di Un Minuto" (by Thierry Sportouche and Jacques Toni, see below) is a guide through
the great names of the Italian Progressive music of the Seventies. Fifty groups are listed, with reprints of
covers. Texts in English.
"The Brass Lizards" (by Jacques Toni, see below) lists Progressive bands with brass instruments (Colosseum, Soft Machine, etc...).
As for "Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums", it was published by Phil Jackson and offers a
subjective classification of the best 100 albums ever made. Can be ordered here.)
Pereira, Jeferson Araújo: As Obras Primas do Rock Progressivo. Independente Ed.
(More information here.
Order here.)
Toni, Jacques: Acid Dragon Dossier: The Brass Lizards.
("The Brass Lizards" lists Progressive bands with brass instruments (Colosseum, Soft Machine, etc.).)
More information here.
French magazine Acid Dragon has published a certain number of special reports. Written in English,
those files soon proved to be an essential source of information about an entire segment of progressive rock.
The 40-page book "Storia Di Un Minuto" (by Thierry Sportouche and Jacques Toni, see above) is a guide through
the great names of the Italian Progressive music of the Seventies. Fifty groups are listed, with reprints of
covers. Texts in English.
"Favourite All Time Progressive Rock Albums" (by Philip Jackson, see above) offers a subjective classification
of the best 100 albums ever made. Can be ordered here.)
Author? Art Rock Album Guide.
(Can be ordered here.)
- McAleer, Ken: A progressive rock portfolio. Syracuse, N.Y., Central New Yorker, 1970. No ISBN.
(Designed and illustrated by Ken McAleer.)
Lange, Georg: Classic-Elemente in der Popmusik und ihre pädagogische Relevanz. Examensarbeit Hamburg 1971.
- Ruffner, M.A.: "Women's Attitudes Towards Progressive Rock Radio". Journal of Broadcasting 17 (1972), pp. 85 - 94.
- Seibold, Wolfgang: Beat und Kunstmusik. Zwei unvereinbare Gegensätze für die Schulmusik? In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1972, pp. 172 - 176.
(The Text features a very short survey of The Nice's "Ars Longa Vita Brevis".)
- Graves, Barry: Classic goes Pop. In: Musik und Bildung 5, Mainz 1973, pp. 181 - 183.
(The short text just mentions ELP, The Nice and Ekseption, among others. Nothing essential.)
- Hartwich-Wiechell, Dörte: Pop-Musik. Analysen und Interpretationen. Köln 1974. ISBN: 3-87252-078-4.
(Especially interesting is a chapter on "Zeugnisse des Eklektizismus und der Rückwendung", pp. 282 - 297.
She offers a matrix for adaptions of classical music, starting with close reproduction
and ending at free interpretation and mere stylistic inspiration.
Among others, she discusses ELP's "Abaddon's Bolero" and The Who's "Tommy".
On pp. 279 - 281 she also discusses Deep Purple's "Child in Time".)
- Hoffmann, Raoul: Die elektrische Klassik. Emanzipations-Versuche der Rock-Bands. In: Hoffmann, Raoul: zoom boom. Die elektrische Rock- und Popmusik. München 1974, S. 136-152.
(An article about the classical Prog bands of the seventies. Trying to find positive examples of
"elektrische Klassik", he focuses on King Crimson and Frank Zappa. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther)
- Kneif, Tibor: "Roll over Beethoven". Zur Beethoven-Rezeption in der Rockmusik. In: Musik und Bildung 8, Mainz 1976, pp. 535.
(Kneif discusses Beethoven adaptions by rock bands like Vanilla Fudge, Ekseption, ELO and Curved Air.)
- Kneif, Tibor: Über sogenannte Rockopern. In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 49/50.
(Kneif discusses the question, what is a rock opera?
Featured examples are "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Tommy", "ARK 2" (by Flaming Youth) and several Kinks albums.)
- Kneif, Tibor: Was ist ein "Concept Album"? In: Musik und Bildung 9, Mainz 1977, pp. 301/302.
(Kneif tries to find a definition of the term "concept album" and discusses
Zoot Money's "Transition", The Mothers' "Absolutely Free", The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper",
and Genesis' "Foxtrot" among others.)
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: Sandner, Wolfgang (Ed.): Rockmusik. Aspekte zur Geschichte, Ästhetik, Produktion. Mainz 1977, pp. 131 - 144. ISBN: 3-7957-2049-4.
(This article is more or less a combination of earlier writings by the same author.
It is most interesting for those parts that go beyond what Kneif had written before, these are just a few additions.)
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik. In: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music VIII/2, 1977, pp. 237 - 251.
Puig, Damián G./Julio Murillo/Adolfo Pérez: Moog'rock. Emerson Lake & Palmer, Yes, Genesis (= Colección Vibraciones: Cuadernos de rock). Barcelona, Iniciativas Editoriales, D.L. 1977.
(85 pages)
- Sandner, Wolfgang: Neue Musik und Rockmusik. Beispiele zur Wechselwirkung musikalischer Ausdrucksformen. In: Musik und Medizin 1, 1978, pp. 81 - 84.
(This is a short overview about the connections between Rock and modern classical music.)
- Schmidt, Hans Christian: Per aspera ad Nirwanam. Oder: wie progressiv ist die Rockmusik-Ästhetik der 70er Jahre? In: Brinkmann, Reinhold (Hrsg.): Avantgarde. Jazz. Pop. Tendenzen zwischen Tonalität und Atonalität. Neun Vorlesungstexte. Mainz 1978, S. 104ff.
(Schmidt asks the question „how progressive is the aesthetics of 70ies rock music"
and compares statements of (prog) rock musicians with the aesthetics of 19th century romanticism.)
- Schuler, Manfred: Rockmusik und Kunstmusik der Vergangenheit. Ein analytischer Versuch. In: Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 35, Heft 2, 1978, pp. 135 - 150.
(Schuler seems to fear that rock music is a danger to the high culture classics due to it's
"destructiveness"... He disusses the Beatles, Procol Harum's "A whiter Shade of Pale",
The Nice's "Brandenburger", Ekseption's "The Fifth" and ELP's "Pictures at an Exhibition".)
- Aprile, Al/Mayer, Luca: La musica rock-progressive europea. 1980. 1.ed., Milano, Gammalibri 1980. No ISBN.
(215 pages.)
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: Living In The Past: Rock-Opern, -Symphonien, -Suiten und Parodien. In: Kneif, Tibor (Ed.): Rock in den Siebzigern. Jazzrock, Hardrock, Folkrock u. New Wave. Reinbek 1980, pp. 40 - 81. ISBN: 3-499-17385-9.
(A history of art in pop music (Beatles, Procol Harum, The Nice), covering adaptations
and self composed operas, symphonies, suites and parodies, that includes investigations
of the musicians' motives and the concept of the concept album. Have a look at the author's website.)
- Agi, Yuzuru (ed.): The Bible: Rock Magazine No.04. Osaka. 1981. No ISBN.
(A magazine containing biographies and discographies of European
(including UK) Progressive Rock as far as known in Japan at that time.
Rock Magazine was also known as the distributor of Phew's album „Aunt Sally".)
- Kneif, Tibor: Rockmusik. Ein Handbuch zum kritischen Verständnis. Reinbek 1982. ISBN: 3-499-16279-2.
(Pages 167 - 189 are about progressive music, but more references to Prog can be found throughout the book.)
- Doerschuk, Bob (Editor): Rock Keyboard, Foreword by Keith Emerson, Quill/GPI Books, New York 1985. ISBN: 0-68802-9612.
(This is a collection of interviews with a number of keyboarders, including Rick Wakeman,
Keith Emerson and Goeffrey Downes among others, who were not connected with Progressive Rock.
Thanks to Bernward Halbscheffel.)
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. New York 1985. ISBN: 031324605X.
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. First supplement, New York 1991. ISBN: 0313275424.
- Duxbury, Janell: Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock. A selectively annotated discography. Second supplement, New York 2000. ISBN: 0738837547 (hardcover), ISBN: 0738837539 (paperback).
(Duxbury's very informative books deal with classical references not only in Progressive Rock,
but in popular music in general. An essential work. There is a website by Duxbury:
Montanari, Valdir: Rock Progressivo. Papirus Ed., Campinas 1985.
(More information here.
Order here.)
- Plas, Wim van der: Can Rock Be Art? In: David Horn/Philip Tagg (Ed.): Popular Music Perspectives 2. Göteborg, Exeter 1985. PP. 397-404. ISBN 91-87030-00-4.
- Prato, Paolo: Musical Kitsch: Close Encounters Between Pops and Classics. In: Popular Music Perspectives 2. Goteborg: International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), 1985, pp. 375 - 386.
(This is an article about the connection between Pop music and classical music.
Prato mentions a number of Prog and non-Prog Bands as examples, such as ELP, The Nice, Renaissance,
Pink Floyd and Colosseum. Most of them are regarded as Kitsch by the author.)
- Curtis, James M. Rock Eras: Interpretations of Music and Society, 1954-1984. Bowling Green, OH 1987. ISBN: 0-87972-368-8 (Clothbound) ISBN: 0-87972-369-6 (Paperback).
(Chapter 24 "High Culture as Popular Culture, II" deals with Progressive Rock.)
- Yamazaki, Naohiro/Kagawa, Masahiko/Furuta, Suguru/Matsumoto, Masayuki (eds.): Marquee's Encyclopedia of European Rock 1966-1987. 1st edition, Tokyo 1987. No ISBN. 2nd edition, Tokyo 1990. No ISBN.
(Thanks to Werner Regenthal.)
- Benson, Joe: Uncle Joe's record guide: Progressive Rock. Glendale, CA: J. Benson Unlimited, 1989. ISBN: 0-943031-11-7.
(A guide to progressive rock albums by Emerson, Lake & Palmer,
Genesis, Jethro Tull, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, and Yes.
A revised edition is planned for May 2002. ISBN: 094303115X.)
Göbölyös, László N.: A progressziv rock mai sztárjai. Laude, 1989.
- Perry, Neil: Rare Rock: An A-Z Illustrated Price Guide to Collectable Albums from the Progressive Era. Perry & Perry Publishing 1989. ISBN-10: 1872446000, ISBN-13: 978-1872446004.
(56 Pages.)
- Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 2: Underground & progressive, 1967-1973. Milano 1989. ISBN: 88-85859-3-9.
- Scaruffi, Piero: Storia del rock. Vol. 3: Dal glam al punk, 1974-1980. Milano 1990. ISBN: 88-85859-9-6.
Gonzalez, Didier: L'Histoire Mondiale du Rock Progressif (Tomes 1, 2 e 3). Tome 2: L'école anglaise 1973 - 1982. 1992. Privately issued, no ISBN.
(More information here.)
- Josephson, Nors S.: Bach Meets Liszt: Traditional Formal Structures and Performance Practices in Progressive Rock. In: Musical Quarterly, vol.76, no. 1 (Spring 1992), pp. 67-92.
(In this article, Josephson shows, how Progressive Rock Music has been influenced
by classical music of any era. This article is most interesting, because Josephson does not
restrict himself to adaptions and interpretations by Progressive Rock musicians,
but focuses on their original compositions.)
- Macan, Edward L.: 'The Spirit of Albion' in twentieth-century English popular Music: Vaughan Williams, Holst and the Progressive Rock Movement. In: Music Review, vol. 53, no. 2 (May 1992), pp. 100-125.
(Macan shows the influence, the music of Vaughan Williams and Holst had on the „Big Five".)
- Polkow, Dennis: "Rock Meets Classical." In: Musical America, vol. 112, no. 1 (January/February 1992), pp. 16-21.
(Polkow shows Stewart Copeland's and Paul McCartney's recent „classical"
compositions in the context of The Moody Blues, ELP and Lloyd Webber.)
- Robinson, David: The Directory of British Progressive Rock. 1st edition 1992, 2nd edition 1993, 3rd edition 1995. Published by the author, no ISBN.
(The book contains information about british Prog bands (still) active in 1992/93/95. Thanks to Carsten Busch.)
- Moore, Allan F.: Rock: The Primary Text. Developing a musicology of rock. Buckingham/Philadelphia 1993. ISBN: 0-335-09787-1 (hardcover) ISBN: 0-335-09786-3 (paperback).
New edition, Burlington, VT, October 2001: ISBN: 0754602982.
(According to Edward Macan, this is "an ambitious work which attempts nothing less
than to create the first stylistic survey of rock from ist inception to the present."
Mark Spicer adds: it "devotes considerable attention to progressive rock,
including detailed analyses of music by King Crimson and Jethro Tull.)
- Nahoum, Leonardo: Enciclopédia Do Rock Progressivo. 1st edition 1994. Published by the author. No ISBN. 2nd edition with appendix, 1995. Published by the author. No ISBN.
(This is a brasilian Prog encyclopaedia. In Portuguese! Surprised?
The book is a very good one, although the very dedicated fan might miss a couple of bands.
The biographies are sometimes very short, and here and there are a few incomplete discographies.
Thanks to Carsten Busch. Can be ordered here.)
- Tenshin, Yasufumi: Age of Superstars. Tokyo 1994. ISBN: 4401613139.
(In Japanese. The fourth chapter is on Hard Rock and Prog Rock.)
- Bertoncelli, Riccardo (ed.): Enciclopedia rock anni '70. 3rd edition, Milano/Padova 1995. ISBN: 88-85859-14-3.
(833 pages.)
- Hinton, Brian: Message to love. The Isle of Wight Festivals, 1968-70. Chessington 1995. ISBN: 1860741479.
- Iwamoto, Kouichirou: Fantastic Illustrated Music Book. Tokyo 1995. ISBN: 4924880396.
(In Japanese. A catalogue of prog rock in 60's & 70's with photos of 1,500 album jackets.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'chiro: The Imaginative Rock Music Guide: Psychedelic, Progressive Rock & Freak Beat. Tokyo 1995. ISBN:4-924880-39-6.
(Similar to he Tapestry of Delights without photos but with enormous label lists.)
- Behrens, Roger: Progressivrock als zeitlose Unmode. In: Testcard. Beiträge zur Popgeschichte. Bd. 4: Retrophänomene in den 90ern. Mainz 1997. ISBN: 3-931555-03-8.
(25 pages about progressive rock. Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.)
- Covach, John/Graeme M. Boone (Editors): Understanding Rock Music: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0195100050.
(The book contains several articles, including Covach's „Progressive Rock,
'Close to the edge', and the Boundaries of Style".)
- Jacob, Dirk: Marktstudie und Marketingkonzeption zu dem Segment Progressive Rockmusik (Prog-Rock). Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Nürtingen, WS 1996/97.
- Macan, Edward L.: Rocking the classics. English progressive rock and the counterculture. New York/Oxford 1997. ISBN: 0-19-509888-9.
(The book does not tell the story of prog in chronological order, but is rather thematically structured.
Most interesting are the analyses of four pieces (Tarkus, Close to the Edge, Firth of Fifth,
Wish you were here (the album)) and there is also a chapter on "related styles".
It has a discography and a bibliography. There is a review of Macan's book by Mark Spicer. See below.)
- Smith, Bradley: The Billboard guide to progressive music. New York 1997. ISBN: 0-8230-7665-2.
(A very interesting discography for it contains a number of rather obscure people & bands.
Recommended to those who like to explore new stuff.)
- Strong, Martin C.: The great psychedelic discography. Edinburgh 1997. ISBN: 0-86241-726-0.
(Also known as: The great rock discographies Vol.1: progressive and psychedelia).
(A good discography of the main Prog and Psychedelic bands.)
- Busch, Carsten: File under Symfo. 1998. Published by the author, no ISBN.
(On the netherland scene. Order here.)
- DeRogatis, Jim: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Prog-Rock Underground (But Were Afraid to Ask). From: Guitar World, 1998.
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Joynson, Vernon: The Tapestry of delights. The comprehensive guide to british music of the beat, R&B, psychedelic and progressive eras 1963 - 1976. 3rd Edition, Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 1899855084.
(Maybe the most detailed and best researched discography listed here. There is a great website:
In fact, it contains the whole thing!)
- Joynson, Vernon: Fuzz, Acid and Flowers. A comprehensive guide to american garage, psychedelic and hippie rock (1964 - 1975). Glasgow 1998. ISBN: 0-9512875-8-3.
(Another one of Joynson's huge discographies. There is a great website:
In fact, it contains the whole thing!)
- Lucky, Jerry: The progressive rock files. 4. Edition, Burlington (ONT), Canada 1998. ISBN: 1-896522-10-6.
(Not very detailed history of Prog, including Neo Prog - whatever that is,
plus a list of bands and their most interesting albums.)
- Martin, Bill: Listening to the future. The time of progressive rock, 1968 - 1978. Chicago/La Salle ILL 1998. ISBN: 0-8126-9368-X.
(The book tries to provide a theory of Progressive Rock from a marxist's point of view
(Hey! There are some left in the U.S.! Unbelievable!).
The second part is a Prog history as "a guided discography", 68 - 78.
Then Martin adds another chapter on Prog until 97.)
- Nanni, Giancarlo: Rock progressivo inglese: la storia, le tendenze/quando il rock diventò europeo (1965-1974). Roma 1998. ISBN: 88-8210-051-0.
(You can get the book here.)
- Stump, Paul: The music's all that matters. A history of progressive rock. 2. Edition, London 1998. ISBN: 0-7043-8036-6.
(This is a Prog history, focusing on british Prog, from the art school roots in 67 to the nineties.
It also has a bibliography and a discography of what the author regards as essential Prog albums.)
Author? La Traque Du Son Neuf. 1998.
(About 100 non-commercial albums (New Musics, avant-garde, electronic…). Each album gets a detailed description.
Artists include: Ron Geesin, Ghedalia Tazartes, Verto, Art Zoyd, Luc Marianni, Pole, Musica Electronica Viva,
Cro Magnon, Mnemonists, Jorge Reyes, Decibel and a lot of other famous or obscure artists. Can be ordered here.)
- Pallavicini, Piersandro: Quei bravi ragazzi del rock progressivo. Roma 1998. Second Edition: Roma 1999. ISBN: 88-241-0537-8.
(An italian book featuring a Prog history and a description of the various "schools"
(like Canterbury, Neo Prog) and national scenes. It also has a chapter on Prog bootlegs.
There is an appendix featuring Prog labels, Fanzines and internet sources.)
- Camerlo, Marcelo: The magic land. A guide to south american Beat, Psychedelic and Progressive Rock Vol. 1: Argentina - Uruguay 1966 - 1977. Madrid 1999 ISBN: 8489439168.
(Better start collecting now, for it'll be a huge encyclopaedia in the end!
Vol 2 will hopefully be: Close to the edge of the topographic ocean of crimson nektar:
A guide to Beat, Psychedelic and Progressive Rock in Panama and Ecuador, summer 1971 - autumn 1971.
Don't know the book, but the author seems to be very dedicated. Can be ordered here.)
- Cortés, David: El Otro Rock Mexicano - Experiencias Progresivas, Sicodélicas, de Fusión y Experimentales. Times Editores/Opción Sónica/Tower Records, Mexico 1999. 280 pages. ISBN: 968-7817-50-X.
(Along with "El Otro Rock Mexicano", David Cortés brilliantly erected a powerful panorama
complete with Progressive scenes, psychedelic, fusion and Mexican experimentation ranging
from 1967 to today, with an exhaustive discography, bibliography, and list of articles.
280 pages in A3 format are written in Spanish. Get the book here. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.)
- Covach, John: Jazz-Rock? Rock-Jazz? Stylistic Crossover in Late 1970s American Progressive Rock. In: Walter Everett (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999, pp. 113 - 134. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6.
(The text focuses mainly on two american Prog bands, namely Happy The Man and the Dixie Dregs
and features analyses of some of their pieces and the additional "Medieval Overture" by Return To Forever.
The article can also be found on John Covach's website.)
- Everett, Walter (editor): Expression in Pop-Rock Music. A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (=Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, Vol. 2). London, New York 1999. ISBN: 0-8153-3160-6.
(This is the book sometimes mentioned as "Progressive and Art Rock: Critical studies".
It contains chapters on the Dixie Dregs and Happy the Man
(by John Covach, see above) and on Genesis' large scale compositions (by Mark Spicer, see below).)
- Herold, Horst: Symphonic Jazz - Blues - Rock. Zum Problem der Synthese von Kunst- und Unterhaltungsmusik in symphonischen Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts. (= Populäre Musik und Jazz in der Forschung. Interdisziplinäre Studien. Bd. 5). Münster 1999. ISBN: 3825842967.
(The book focuses mainly on Jon Lord's orchestral works.
The analyses are well done, but there are a lot of typos, errors and wrong information,
especially on the background of works that aren't the main focus of the book.
He didn't read any of the english books on the subject. A bad researched bibliography.)
- Jacobsen, Finn: Berührungspunkte des Progressive Rock mit artifizieller Musik in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren (Magisterarbeit, Universität zu Köln, Wintersemester 1998/99.)
- Lafiteau, Jean-Louis: L'Encyclopédie Des Musiques Progressives. Metz 1999. No ISBN.
(3.800 bands are covered with some biographical information,
descriptions of the music and discographies plus occasional cross-links.
Thanks to Carsten Busch. Can be ordered here.)
- Ootaka, Shun'ichi: A Young Persons' Guide to Progressive Rock in England, Germany, Italy, France, U.S.A., Japan etc. Tokyo 1999. ISBN: 4-276-96073-8.
(In japanese. A guidebook to prog rock in UK, Germany, France, Italy, US, Japan.)
- Prevost, Bernard: Rock Progressif... Les Réferences D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'hui…. 9th edition 1999. Published by the author. No ISBN.
(An uncommented discography. Thanks to Carsten Busch. To get the 2001 Edition of the listing
with almost all the band's progressive production (6200 references!), contact Bernard Prevost:
- Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive. Firenze 1999. ISBN: 88-09-21787-X.
(The book provides bibliographies and discographies of the most important,
but also of the less known bands of the genre. There is also a chapter dedicated to the italian scene.)
- Asbjørnsen, Dag Erik: Scented Gardens of the Mind. A guide to the golden era of progressive rock (1968 -1980) in more than 20 european countries. Wolverhampton 2000. ISBN: 1-899855-12-2.
(The best prog discography I've ever seen: very detailed, all of the albums are described
- and it's a lot more than "I like this album" - and there's a HUGE amount of albums there.
Caution! This book does not cover the UK and Germany! Look for these countries in
Asbjørnsen's "Cosmic Dreams at play" and in Joynson's "The Tapestry of delights".)
- Cotner, John S.: Music theory and progressive rock style analysis: on the threshold of art and amplification. In: Heintze, James R./Michael Saffle (ed.): Reflections on american music. The twentieth century and the new millennium. A collection of essays presented in honor of the college music society. New York, Pendragon Press, 2000. ISBN: 1576470709.
(Cotner locates 60s Progressive Rock within it's intramusical and extramusical context.
He exemplifies his views with analyses of Zappa's „Hungry Freaks, Daddy",
The Velvet Underground's „Heroin" and Hendrix's „Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". Thanks to Ralf J. Günther.)
- Covach, John: Echolyn and American Progressive Rock. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 13 - 61.
(After a brief introduction into the genre, Covach focuses on the american Progressive Rock scene
and the elements that distinguishes it from the european/british scene.
The chronological overview consideres music by Starcastle, Kansas, Happy the Man,
However, U-Totem and mainly echolyn.)
- Howard, Greg: The Chapman Stick, at home in the world of progressive rock. 2000 (from Progression Magazine).
(This is an online article. Click here.)
- Howie, Tomás: Rhythms of Progressive Rock.
(Includes analyses of pieces by Yes, Genesis, Jethro Tull and King Crimson. This is an online article. Click here.)
- Joynson, Vernon: Dreams, Fantasies and Nightmares from far away lands. Canadian, Australasian and Latin American Rock and Pop 1963 - 1975. Glasgow 2000. ISBN: 1899855106.
(Another one of Joynson's huge discographies. No website for this one.)
- Lucky, Jerry: 20th Century Rock and Roll: Progressive Rock. Burlington, Ont. 2000. ISBN: 1-896522-20-3.
(Contains band histories and - too often incomplete discographies of the well-known Prog artists.)
- Martin, Bill: Avant Rock: Experimental Music from the Beatles to Bjork. Chicago/La Salle 2000. ISBN: 0-8126-9500-3.
- Moore, Allan F.: On the pop-classical split. In Derek B. Scott (ed.): Music, culture and society. Oxford 2000, pp.161-164.
- Patterson, Archie: A History Of European Progressive Music: The Golden Age. Portland/USA 2000.
- Spicer, Mark S.: A Review of Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture, by Edward Macan. In: Covach, John/Walter Everett (Editors): American Rock and the Classical Music Tradition. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. (= Contemporary Music Review, vol. 18, no. 4). ISBN: 9057551195, pp. 149 - 158.
Vázquez, Roberto: Rock Progressivo. México DF 2000.
- Atton, Chris: ‘Living in the Past'?: Value discourses in progressive rock fanzines. In: Popular Music 20/1, 2001, pp. 29 - 46.
(About the topics and the niveau of Progressive Rock fanzines.
Atton mentions, among others, „Proclamation" and „Pilgrims".)
- Cateforis, Theo: How Alternative Turned Progressive: The Strange Case of Math Rock. In: Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001, pp. 243 - 260. ISBN: 0815337159.
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: Rock barock - Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition. Berlin 2001. ISBN: 3-00-008178-X.
(The doctoral thesis deals with the connection of Rock/Pop and classical Music.
It also contains a chapter about "Progressive Rock und Avantgarde".
It can be downloaded or read here. You might also want to check the author's website.)
- Holm-Hudson, Kevin (Ed.): Progressive Rock Reconsidered. New York 2001. ISBN: 0815337159.
(A collection of very hetergeneous articles. Intelligent analyses are followed by absolute rubbish.
But the good ones outweigh the others. Check my comments on the articles.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 1: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-900340-57-X.
(Harvest, Vertigo, Apple and Immediate catalogue in japanese.)
- No author: Progressive Music - Discography And Price Guide. CD-ROM. International music discographies/Megaworld 2001.
(This CD-ROM by International Music Discographies gives the possibility to access an impressing database.
Format: Windows 95, 98, or NT. Can be ordered here. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.)
Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 1. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-085-5.
(both compilations of the articles on progressive rock which appeared on the ngaku Senka magazine. The „Marquee" magazine also published some compiled „Special" issues: „King Crimson" „Marquee: 1981-1990")
Author? Progressive Rock Strikes Back 2. Tokyo 2001. ISBN: 4-87279-086-3.
(both compilations of the articles on progressive rock which appeared on the ngaku Senka magazine. The „Marquee" magazine also published some compiled „Special" issues: „King Crimson" „Marquee: 1981-1990")
- Delâge, Frédéric: Chroniques du Rock progressif 1967/1979. Périgueux 2002. No ISBN.
(242 pages, it's all in color and based upon 100 reviews of records,
from "Days of Future passed" by the Moody Blues to "The Wall" by Pink Floyd.)
- Iwamoto, Koh'ichiroh (ed.): Label Book 2: Strange Days. Compile Series vol.4. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4-900340-67-7.
(Virgin, Caroline, Charisma, B&C, Pegasus, Mooncrest and Dandelion catalogue in japanese.)
- Samagaio, Frank: The Mellotron Book. Hal Leonard Publishing 2002. ISBN: 1931140146.
- Tatsumi, Takayuki: Philosophy of Progressive Rock. Tokyo 2002. ISBN: 4582831346.
(In Japanese. The author defines prog rock as the Chimera and sees sublime beauty in Prog rock.
He interprets King Crimson, ELP, Pink Floyd, Yes etc.)
- Rizzi, Cesare: Progressive & underground in Gran Bretagna ed Europa 1967-1976. Firenze 2003. ISBN: 88-09-03230-6.
(The story of classic Progressive Rock. 188 bands with biographies, discographies,
including, but not focusing on italian Prog, plus complete discografies of Harvest and
Vertigo labels. 192 pages, in italian)
- Iwamoto, Koh chiroh (ed.): Label Book 3: Strange Days Compile Series vol.6. Tokyo 2003. ISBN: 4-900340-77-4.
(Island, Bronze, Help, Obscure, Manticore, Swan Song and Dawn catalogue in japanese.)
- Alfano, Innocenzo: Fra tradizione colta e popular music: il caso del rock progressivo: introduzione al genere che sfido la forma canzone (=Saggistica Aracne 36). Roma 2004. ISBN: - 88-799-9926-5.
(99 p. in italian.)
- Fukatami, Jun/Matsuzaki, Masahide: UK Progressive Rock: Mainstream - the Golden Era: The DIG present disc guide series #017. Tokyo. 2004. ISBN:4-401-61858-0.
- Patterson, Archie: Eurock: European rock and the second culture. Torrance, CA 2004. ISBN: 0-9723098-0-2.
(The Book includes all the feature articles published during the 30 years of
Eurock Magazine. Everyone from Amon Düül & Can to Tangerine Dream, Art Zoyd to
Univers Zero, Ash Ra Tempel to Savage Rose, Urban Sax & many more. It also contains
new interviews conducted for Eurock from 2002 to 2004. A Special Bonus feature is the
previously unpublished tome on Krautrock from 1971 by the late Editor of Creem Magazine
and rock journalist Lester Bangs "Amon Düül: A Science Fiction Rock Spectacle".
Buy here.)
- Breitman, Uri: Progressive Rock. From the 60s to the Present. Tel Aviv 2005. ISBN: 965-521-006-5.
(In Hebrew (Original title: „Rock Mitkadem"). The book deals with the story of Prog
in England from it's origins in the 50s and 60s through it's rebirth in the 90s and
reflects on it's future. There is also a chapter on Isreali progressive Rock.
This is the first Prog book in Hebrew! More information here and here. Thanks to Uri Breitman.)
- Eisner, Andy: Art- und Progressive Rock. Die kreativste Phase der Rock- und Popmusik? Maturaarbeit, Voitsberg 2005.
- Hinners, Andreas: Progressive Rock. Musik zwischen Kunstanspruch und Kommerz (= Diplomica 25). Marburg 2005. ISBN: 3-8288-8942-5.
(An analysis of Progressive Music (based on the examples of Fred Frith, Frank Zappa, Soft Machine, John McLaughlin,
Bill Laswell, Heiner Goebbels, Miasma and Asgard) as a popular music between artistic claim and commercialism.
Unfortunately not very well researched: author didn't know the Prog-Bibliography!)
- Alfano, Innocenzo: Verso un'altra realtà. Lanuvio 2006. ISBN: 8854805742.
(A 172 page study on the methods of composition used by rock musicians,
the book also contains a part specifically dedicated to progressive music. In Italian.)
- newly added
Guillen, Sergio/Puente, Andres. Radiografia del rock experimental, De la psicodelia a la actualidad del rock progresivo. Sevilla 2006, ISBN: 84-933354-5-2.
(More information here. Thanks to Mac de Paz.)
- No Author: Il rock orchestrale e progressivo. Il glam rock, Il punk e la new wave. (= Il rock: la musica, gli artisti, i segreti 4). Novara, De Agostini 1990. No ISBN.
(Part four of a seven volume documentation of rock history. 268 pages, in italian.)
- Knight, Brian L.: Rock in the Name of Progress.
(A Prog overview, full of mistakes! It is an online article. Click here.)
- Southern, Terry: Virgin. A history of Virgin records. Axminster No year. ISBN: 1-89911600-1.
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II. Not yet published
- Moore, Allan F.: Review of Progressive Rock Re-considered edited by Kevin Holm-Hudson. In: twentieth-century music. Forthcoming.
- Another forthcoming release is the Audion CD-ROM from Ultima Thule-Audion. 2004.
("Work is underway on collating a CD-Rom that will feature all the early out-of-print Audions,
that's the first 10 issues (all laid-out as nice reprintable A4 html pages, viewable with any web browser
- which avoids any special software) with lots of extras, like colour photos (where available) and
improved readability. The CD-Rom will also include a revised version of the "East Euro Discography",
the essential pages from "The Audion Guide to Nurse With Wound" an index and other surprises."
Thanks to Werner Regenthal.)
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III. In the making (can anyone confirm this?)
- Busch, Carsten: A Progressive Rock Encyclopaedia. Currently 1.500 pages!
- Halbscheffel, Bernward: A book called "Progressive Rock - Die Ernste Musik der Rockmusik" is planned.
- Hasnes, Geir: A book on composition techniques in progressive rock.
(Geir Hasnes own fan magazine 'Proclamation - the Occasional Gentle Giant Magazine' (5 issues) contains articles,
in depth interviews and transcriptions and analyses of the group's music.)
- Regenthal, Werner: Progressive Rock Archive
(A work in progress, that will, besides the usual discographical information, include
some additional dates like a musical categorization, comments, biographies, some
information about artistical influences and comparisons, releases of special editions
like coloured Lps, Picture LPs or CDs, Singles etc., releases on cassettes and digital
audiotape, cover/sleeve reproduction and maybe some animation. It is not yet sure,
whether it will be published as a CD-ROM or as a number of books. Thanks to Werner Regenthal.)
- Sallak, Bill: working on a master's degree in music history about the appropriation of minimalist composition techniques by progressive rock musicians.
- Sefton, Michael: writing a book on the rarities of Progressive and Psychedelic music of the 60's and 70's.
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